Luna Starbright
WaA Luna Starbright, of the Shire of Mystic Springs, the Celestial Kingdom
Wanderer: "...Why aren't you knighted yet?"
Luna: "...Because I've only been playing for six months..."
Wanderer: "...Oh..."
"Damn woman, how much garb did you MAKE?!"-Raven
Quotes by the famous, Luna :
"I don't wanna be a Gator"
Luna and her baby, Paulie
A senior in high school, Luna found out about Amtgard through a staff member, (Mistress Wynd).
After talking with her, she ran off and told a friend (ZZ) about it. The friend so happened to know what it was, and explained that she had played at the local park in town, [Mystic Springs].
Luna was so intrigued; known for her fascination with all things geeky; she had to check out the park.
The Present
- Itsari's Woman at Arms
- Luna is currently getting to know her sewing machine and stove for A&S entries.
- Luna is one of the many victims of Doom, the world famous stalker.
Plan of Attack
1) Support the Flurb community
2) Become a 6th level master scout
3) Increase her levels of bard and archer
4) Become a Serpent and Flame Knight
Amtgard Life Goal
Luna wishes to one day be knighted as a Knight of the Serpent for her A&S abilities in art, culinary, and garbing. She also wants to be knighted as a Flame Knight for her constant volunteering for park events.
Extra Information
- Luna is known for her fascination with lime green and bold garb patterns.
- Luna currently plays twice a week at Traitors Gate and Mystic Springs
- Luna is the sister WaA to Delespheron
- Luna currently goes to NWV in San Antonio, TX...this makes her a poor college student...
Affiliated Groups
- Ministers of Grace- Prospect
- Petitioner of the Wardancers
- Midwest Trading Company -Ship's cook and doctor of the Surly Mermaid
- Dreamweavers
- I.L.B.F. - Henchman No. 13
- Club Cthulhu
- House Lioness
Belted Family
Luna is Woman-at-Arms to Itsari, who is Squire to Dame Linden Tul
Luna Starbright, Itsari, and Delespheron.
Notable Accomplishments
- Mystic Springs / Slaughter Creek / Talonfield Triple Midreign Feast-o-crat - August 2008
- Mystic Springs Clerk November 2008 - May/June 2009
Luna Starbright : Worth 10 pudding cups - Sir Jynx Mercades
Additional Images
The Surly Mermaid Pirate Crew Clan 26, 25th Anniversary, July 2008
Luna hiding under Linden's Hat, in her African garb
Luna Starbright : Mystic Springs School Girl