Dark Harvest
Dark Harvest Preparing to take the Bridge at RW Coronation September 2008
Dark Harvest has its roots in the fighting companies of its two founding members, the Golden Band from Anavrin and the Windmoorian Guard from Kain Elverez. Both companies are noted for having been dominant fighting companies in the Rising Winds, particularly the Golden Band which held the title for several years. After both companies had broken up, they both began talking of making a new company while trying to take the best aspects of both companies while removing the worst. Dark Harvest is the culmination of years of work toward that end.
The company's official birth could be said to be in April of 2007, when both Anavrin and Kain had their first uniforms completed and began wearing them on the field at Gryphon's Perch. Kain wore his uniform to Dischord in May of 2007 to try and make a good showing for the fledgling company. While at Dischord, Kain met several members of Ashen Hills that he had not known before, namely Elixir, Cinnamon, Io, and Tri. These members of Ashen Hills, as well as Demitri Kincaid and Nameless (old members of the Windmoorian Guard that Kain knew) came to the following Midreign in June of 2007, where Kain and Anavrin began pitching the idea of bringing all of them into their yet to be officially named fighting company, which was at this point being called Dark Harvest as a sort of joke regarding the colors. About a month later, Kain visited Ashen Hills while on business in Michigan and officially recruited Demitri and Nameless into the company, and Tri would ask the members of his local company, Stonegate Temple, to join.
Within a few weeks the members of Stonegate Temple agreed to join, and Anavrin and Kain recruited several members from the local populace at GP to bolster numbers in their home park. Dark Harvest was agreed upon by all members as the name for the fighting company, and the website at [1] was created.
- Placed Second at Rising Winds Bridgewars 2008, beaten only by the Justicars.
- Played a dominant role throughout Dischord 2008. Dark Harvest also boasted 5 members on the 15 vs. the World Battle.
- Kain and Elixir were members of the 10 against the world team at Dischord 2007
- Anavrin was on the Justi-friends team that won Bridge Wars 2007
- Several Members made a pickup team that took third place after the Justi-friends and Ferrum Crux at Bridge Wars 2007.
DH Pole killing a helpless enemy. FEEL THE WRATH OF THE HARVEST!!!!
Ashen Hills Platoon
- Cinnamon
- Davey
- Elixir - Commander
- Io
- Tri Evangent
Gryphon's Perch Platoon
Port of Winter's Night Platoon
The Harrowing Citadel Platoon
- Xsaga - Commander
- Eru - Port of Winter's Night
- Oof - Gryphon's Perch
- Rudy - Port of Winter's Night
- Rune of Mittelmarch - Gryphon's Perch
- Slain - The Harrowing Citadel