Finders Keep

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Revision as of 01:08, 30 March 2017 by Greydon (talk | contribs)

A Chapter of the Emerald Hills located in Wichita Falls, Texas.




The Keep is being rebuilt as a Freehold, for now.


Amalthea        Anstice           Argon
Ashrok          Bandit
Blast           Blossom           Box
Brian J         BT                Cal
Chaos           Corvon            Daigomir
Dakota          Dark              Deimus
Dillon          Dog               Doladar
Downfall        Drake             Flames
Frost           Goon
Gott            Greydon           Grim
GWAS            Halkeye           Havoc
Hawk            Horse             Hva
Hvem            Jade              Jeff R
Jin             Kainus            Kelldor
Kenda           Kimori            Kofka
Kromlen         Krylis            Lenore
Loki            Longshanks        Lotyus
Madrox          Melons            Michael
Michael H       Mickel            Milosz
Mother Dragon   Mynx              Mysteri
Natasha         Old Man           Phantom
Pinkie          Plague            Playskool
Praxis          Presus            Puma
Rachel          Rage              Raven
Ringworm        Robert            Salvador 	    
Scorpion        Seamus            Severus Bellcross
Shades          Shadow            Sparkie
Sparrow         Spinoza           Squeeky
Squirt          Stykz             Sylph
Tare            Thorinon          Titania
Tobias          Trog
Turk            Venomatik         WereBear

Contacts and Directions

Puma is the current Sheriff. Greydon is the current Prime Minister.

Finders Keep meets at Lake Wichita Park near the pavilion. We meet at 2 p.m. every Saturday. You can find us on Facebook by searching Amtgard-Finders Keep. You can contact Greydon at


<googlemap lat="33.839447" lon="-98.559094"> 33.839447, -98.559094 </googlemap>


  • 75px-Orkicon.gif

Amtgard Chapters within the Kingdom of the Emerald Hills
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