
From AmtWiki

Sir Shefanhow of the Golden Plains

"If you don't like my Ravioli, get the !@#% off my field!"



Affiliated Groups

Company: Nighthawks- July 2004.
Household: La Cosa Nostra
Household: The Gryphon's Armory

Belted Family

Shef Has the following Squires;
Draven Stormgaurd Harkonnen of the Dark Riders
Brigade A.K.A. Reyals

Shef has the following Men-at-Arms;

Shef was Squired to Sir Warblade prior to his Knighting.

Notable Accomplishments

Master Dragon
Master Owl
Knight of the Serpent - Knighted at Clan 2004 by Sir Warblade of the Golden Plains
Thane - Baron Equivalent
Master Warrior
Master Healer
8th Order of the Warrior - Consecutive Wins - 21 in a row, 27 in a row @ same Duchy Level Tourney
8th Order of the Warrior - Tourney Wins (Defender, Ironman)
Ironman 1st Place, Clan 2004

Positions Held

Kingdom Regent - Golden Plains Twice
Kingdom Champion - Golden Plains
Kingdom Champion - Emerald Hills
Duchy level positions in Irongate too numerous to count

More Information

Webmaster of Golden Plains
Webmaster of Nighthawks Company Website