Father Thomas von Drakken

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Archduke Sir Father Thomas von Drakken

"I dont believe in the Easter Bunny, I dont believe in Santa, and i sure as HELL dont believe in Father Thomas... He's just a rumor propagated by the Celestial Kingdom...move along, nothing to see here, there is no plot, have some Kool-aide." -Larin Moonstar



Father Thomas is a former member of the SCA. He has been an active member of the Celestial Kingdom for more than ten years. FT is thrice belted, having earned his Serpent, Crown, and Flame belts. He has held at least one term as Monarch, one term as Prime Minister, and many as Herald. Father Thomas is the popular subject of many filks including Father Tom by Roger Shrubstaff.

Affiliated Groups

Member of the Wardancers

Belted Family

Father Thomas was once Squire to Sir Arion Renquist who was once squire to Sir Zircon. FT has had many Squires join the Peerage including Colonel, Bromhir, Thun, and Vigus. FT has one Squire that I know of, Bob the Ogre.

Notable Accomplishments

Father Thomas is thrice belted in the orders of the Flame, Knight of the Serpent and Knight of the Crown. He was the 16th Monarch and the 34th Co-Monarch of the CK.

Additional Images


[[ http://www.amtgardrecords.com/knights/knight.php?knightID=131%7CORK Entry ]]

Read about other Knights of the Celestial Kingdom here