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Raphael Tecumseh Sherman.

"Know your target and what's beyond"

If the people raise a great howl against my barbarity and cruelty, I will answer that war is war, and not popularity seeking "William Tecumseh Sherman"

raph.jpg looking down the barrel of a spear


3-Belted Knight of the Burning Lands, he has served as King of the Burning Lands numerous times.

He made Burning Lands' history serving a years as monarch with the same crown officers- Verana as Consort, and Bolt as Champion.

In June 2006 the Burning Lands veteran moved to the shire of Starmount under the Iron Mountains. On his final stepping down as King in 2006 the knights of the Burning Lands felt it fitting to give him the kingdom's Champion sword for services rendered.

Until the age of 29 was ridiculed as the Boy King, however, he was not the first nor will he be the last.

Is a member of F.U.C.K.

Last person in Burning Lands to be a club officer (Prime Minister) under the age of 18.

Affiliated Groups

Formerly of the Star Questing Dragons,Golden Lions, now member of Archon.

Belted Family

Notable Accomplishments

  • Once loaned a tent to Garik that had only been used once.
  • Keeper of Smaug

Additional Images

Personal Heraldry

More Information

  • Personal Website
  • Company Website