Squire Sunshine (Not the)"Lord of Burgmont"
”Just keep that smile shinning”
Sunshine was introduced to Amtgard in 2014 at the Duchy of the Iron Mountains in Denver, CO by Lord Squire Kota Bloodmoore. Given his name by Countess Squire Recluse Quarters, and Arciduca Dr Casca Eruoy after being told 'If you don't pick a name one will be appointed to you', he has tried to hold fast to the impression (the second name given) gives. Thru the disgrace of terrible mispronunciation, he was both given and stripped of his Lordship of Burgmont. After a short hiatus to attend to medical needs, he made a triumphant return, stronger than before. Let's say cybernetic implants... technically correct.”beep boop” Frist made Man at Arms then Squire to Grand Duke Sir,Doctor,Sir, Warlord and Evil Overlord, Agustus he continues to develop his skills and ride along side Recluse to more fun and good times with all of Amtgard.
Affiliated Groups
House Ruckus (Leaf)
Knighted Family
XII:Ser Agustus (Crown) (Sword) (Flame) (Serpent) (Battle)
- Squire Jet Kindred
- Sir Bruin Valorn (Crown) (Battle)
- Sir Akyo (Crown)
- Equus Owen Glendwagon (Flame)
- Squire Lady Keladry
- Squire Wallus Russle IronTusk
- Man-at-Arms Jackal of Darkmoon
- Squire Iris of Darkmoon
- Man-at-Arms The Missing Link Kinderd
- Saint Aeris Lockheart Kinderd (Flame)
- Artifex Hero D. MacGregor (Serpent)
- Squire Sunshine
- Squire Morgana Redwolf
Notable Accomplishments
Champion of the Iron Mountains Summer 2016
Prime minister of the Iron Mountains Summer 2017
Additional Images

More Information
- Personal Website
- Company Website