Zephram MacLaran

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Duke Sir Zephram MacLaran, of Tori-Mar the Celestial Kingdom

”An indicative quote”



Zephram is known for his love of role-play and pageantry. A dedicated officer he has held every kingdom level position in the CK but champion. He was the Fifth regent during the reign of King Rufus Grimwulf, the 5th Prime Minister and the 11th Monarch. A melee fighter of middling skill, his preferred style when ditching is door shield and flail. But he really shines in class battles as a wizard. He is one of the deadliest casters I have ever seen, easily the equal of Rendarken, Vlar, or Dreadstone.

My favorite memory of him dates back to the CK’s ill fated invasion of the Wetlands during the reign of Queen Theresa. Some dozen of us including Dreadstone, Drakknar and I faced off against forty plus Wetlanders. We were hard pressed. Even with four times our numbers but they wouldn’t engage. Instead they would pin us up against the walls with pole arms and have their casters call for our deaths. Then Zephram showed up, and suddenly there were a lot less pole arms. I have never been happier to see him. – Randalf Falconbridge

Some Fairly Well Known Facts

  • Zephram is a Politico and artisan of no small ability.
  • Zephram was known as Gilbert when he played in pre-split Barad Duin.
  • Zephram once famously went to war with Wanderer.
  • Zephram is infamous for knighting Drakknar in the Burnet parking lot at 3 am.

Affiliated Groups

  • Zephram was a member of the Templar fighting company, though I am no longer sure of thier status.

Belted Family

Zephram has had at least one squire join the peerage, Angrist and one grand Squire Willow Dreammaker.

Notable Accomplishments



Additional Images

  • Link to image 1
  • Link to image 2

More Information

  • Personal Website
  • Company Website