Seven Sleeping Dragons

From AmtWiki

The Barony of the Seven Sleeping Dragons

A Barony of Westmarch in San Luis Obispo, CA.

Amtgard Chapter
Seven sleeping dragons.gif
Seven Sleeping Dragons
Kingdom Westmarch
Status Barony
City San Luis Obispo, CA
Park Santa Rosa
Meets on Saturdays
Founded 1997
Active '


Founded in 1997 by Durcha Aer, this Barony warded the southern border of Wavehaven, its former sponsor, against the Crystalline Confederacy in the south. With that threat removed, and with Siar Geata and Crimson Sanctum joining the [then] Principality of Westmarch, SSD enjoys its place as the geographic center of Amtgard in California. (They don't call this area the Central Coast for nothing, you know...)

SSD has joined together with other chapters in California to form Westmarch. The B-Hair-ony of SSD currently has the best hair in all of Westmarch, possibly even all of Amtgard.


Current Monarchy

Contacts and Directions

The Barony of the Seven Sleeping Dragons meets every Saturday, from approximately 1-4 PM. We have changed park locations to Santa Rosa Park. From 101 in either direction, take the Hwy 1 Santa Rosa exit. Head north on Santa Rosa Street. The park is .5 mi from 101 on the right side, after 2 gas stations. <googlemap version="0.9" lat="35.290092" lon="-120.664687" zoom="17"> 35.289426, -120.665578 </googlemap>

Check out their Park Forums.jpg on the Westmarch Discussion Boards

For information on other chapters in Amtgard look here

Amtgard Chapters within Westmarch
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