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Countess Sir Renity of Dark Oasis, Golden Plains

Renity's Household Heraldry
Home Park Irongate
Kingdom Golden Plains
Year Started 2004
Noble Title Countess
Belt Status Knight of the Serpent



Started Amtgard in the now defunct Freehold of Goblin's Inkwell. After time both there and the Stronghold of Dark Oasis, she currently resides in the Duchy of Irongate. Is known for good fighting skills, the tendancy to throw devastating groin shots on fellow amtgarders from out of no where, stellar garbing and art projects, and for busting her ass for Irongate and the Kingdom of Golden Plains.

Amalgam Heraldry

Affiliated Groups

Belted Family

Renity was squired to Sir Monkey before her knighting.

Sir Monkey - (Serpent/Sword)

~~People that just want to be apart of the family~~



Notable Accomplishments

Additional Images

More Information