Totem Kyan

From AmtWiki

Dame Marquis Totem Kyan, of Darkmoon Iron Mountains.

My vision of a Serpent Knight is a person that may have an area of expertise but isn't afraid of trying new things. You may find new areas of interest or where hidden talents lay. Use themed reigns to challenge yourself not only in different arts, but in learning about history and culture. Best of Luck to all of you. Dame Totem Kyan



Totem is the best know citizen of Darkmoon. Although not the founder of the park she has been there for most of its existance and has restored it to life multiple times. Many members of her mundane family are also well known members of Darkmoon.

Totem's interest in the arts and sciences has always been very high. Her specialty is bead work and many of her projects have a Native American theme or inspiration. After winning many Iron Mountains A&S tournaments, Totem earned her Master Dragon by dominating the A&S Olympiad held in the Rising Winds in 2005 even though she did not attend. Her items sent by mail were more than convincing enough to speak for her. Totem won her Master Garber by winning the Rakis 2007 Best of the Best competition.

Affiliated Groups

House of the Bloodwolves

Belted Family

Before welcomed into the peerage Totem was Squire to Owl Bonesteel who was Squire to Cullum who was squire to Kane Blackwraith Who was Squire to Wolfram Bloodletter who was Squire to Aramithris who was Squire to Nashomi who was Squire to Tawnee.

Totem has two Squires that we know of Menwy and Crykit

Notable Accomplishments

Master Garber given by Emperor Takezu June 2007

Additional Images


  • Link to image 2

More Information

  • Quoted in this article.
  • Company Website