Wyvern's Keep

From AmtWiki

A freehold shire, located in Longview, Texas

Wyverns Keep Heraldry.jpg



Wyverns Keep is made up of the Two Keeps in the Northern reaches of the Wetlands. Protecting the borders from The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills to its North West, The Rising Winds to the North and the vast swamplands to the East.

Wyverns Keep - Longview (Previously known as Iron Wasteland) (Sunday Park at Mc Whorter Park - 11AM CST)

Wyverns Keep - Tyler (Previously known as Róisín Dubh) (Saturday Park at Rose Rudman Park - 11AM CST, Located to the Left of the Bath Room Pavilion and Playground)

Wyvern's Keep was founded as a shire in 2023 with the 2nd Keep in Tyler being founded in 2024.


AdonysAmnesiaAmythestAnne ThraxApartimosArmek Dark LabrysArtemisArtimis Von PierceAziraBael SilverflameBearBEEBeth The DestroyerBlood of KnightsBlood SkullBloodhoundBlue TridentBones Targaryen Von PierceBrakCaladrilClankCypress SilverwoodDamacles MacNeilDark RunnerDarknullDigiter FigiterDirt HawkDragon BallEltarielEnderFedexFiredustFlippyFoxpawFreeson PhawkesGodzillaGoliathGoose Von DoomGorbagGordanHawkThe HiddenHoundIce Of RedhawkIttyIzzyJayJayJohn Danks MacNeilJoodusJookyJord the RedKageKilljoyKriptLayrick SpearbreakerLemonLight RunnerLil RedLilVidarLilpappy MacNeilLord Daigomir EspenLuciferLui MacNeilLukeLupe CalderaMagnoilaMaxtinMimeMohawkMoonlightNiffNightFairyNoah KnowyaNobodyOdarolocOdinOrange StarPalebeastPanda Rock ThrowerPeggyPhoenixPlgm Slam ManRaven FrostReaperReinder Von PierceRenga LewinRobZombieRorinRubber DuckyRubyRula AshvurerusoSabrine unknownSalty Von PiercesavageScorpionSequoia(Fyr)SerenaShaft-AhhHAhhHShinkyShrekSir KaL ThraXSnakeSomethingSquire Sticth Von PierceSquire Wid LewinStevusStickTamujai MacNeilTBDTigerTKOToroTwin MacNielUnderdogUnseenVein KillerVidar UlfgardViperVlad Carver IIIWild ChildWinner FighterWoodsXera\'anYrsa


Contacts and Directions

[email protected]

Saturday (Tyler): Rose Rudman Park

Rose Rudman Park

Sunday (Longview): Mc Whorter Park

MC Whorter Park