Spring War 1995
Spring War II - The Great Jihad
The Facts
- Where; Burnet County Fair Grounds
- Why; For War, and Olympiad.
- When; February 17-20, 1995
- Who; Ta'shi-iak and Perimone
From the Flyer
The Saracens led by Sir Cabal are waging a jihad at Burnet County Fairgrounds. Squire Balinor will lead a valiant defense of the site. Everyone is invited to help repel the Saracen horde. Olympiad VI, a Jugging Tourney, a women's tourney and other attractions will also be available. There is a 5$ all inclusive fee for this event, regardless of weather you want to eat feast or not (no checks). Visiting Kingdom Royalty will be admitted for free, as long as they reservations are made by January 30. Those not making reservations will be required to pay at gate. A menu will be available for diabetics, call the feastocrat by jan 30 will any special dietary requirements. We are looking for water bearers, certified first aid volunteers, and reeves for the war. Vendors interested in the merchants row need to contact Sir Pebyr. Sir Peybr will also be in charge of security. The Autocrats reserve the right to throw any one off site. Hot showers and heated sleeping are available if needed.