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Contessa ”Sir Ches” Francesca d'Pisa bella note dolce vita Vecchio Havas Grande Corleone

”You want to tempt the wrath of the whatever from high atop the thing?”




Biography First time introduced to Amtgard was in 1987, Barad Duin. Very briefly, she helped Fox get it started with fliers and art then went to one meeting and left. She went back again when it was turned into Tori Mar to judge a quals in 2/92 where Sir Rufus Grimwulf became King and Sir Zephram became Regent.

The 6th Regent of the Celestial Kingdom February 1993.

Married to Sir Fnord August of 1993 while still in office.

The 1st female Knight of the Celestial Kingdom February 1995.

Advocate for female fighting in Amtgard and the SCA.

Knight of the Flame 2/95 - by Emperor Miawara Asahi, The Celestial Empire.

She uses Sir as her title.

Currently resides in the Kingdom of Blackspire

Affiliated Groups

Belted Family

Notable Accomplishments

Noble Title

  • Princess Celestial 2/93 - by King Pebyr of the Celestial Kingdom
  • Contessa 8/93 - by King Hulka of the Celestial Kingdom


  • Master Rose 9/94 - By King Michael Hammer of God of the Celestial Kingdom
  • Master Garber 2/96 - By King Zephram, The Celestial Kingdom
  • Master Dragon 3/99 - by Khanate Slyddur, The Kingdom of the Wetlands


Additional Images

  • SirChes300.jpg
  • CourtofTirana.jpg

More Information

Learn more about the CK Monarchy