Rules of Play
Ring the Bell: Two teams attempt to hit the ‘Bell’ at the other teams base first. Bells must be touched by a player, or by a weapon under 36” currently held by a player, to be rung. First team to three points wins. This game is fun to play in small, open areas.
- Teams: 2
- Lives: Unlimited
- Respawn: Start of round at base
- Players: 3+ per team
- Objective: To strike the opposing teams bell and score a point. Upon a point being scored each team resets to base.
- Refresh: Not applicable, no classes used
- Types Best Supported: Ditch, Militia
In its most basic form, Ring the Bell consists of setting up two shields one behind each team. Hitting the shield behind the opposite team with a weapon is considered 'ringing the bell' and wins the game. Many variations of this game exist. It can be played full class, militia or ditch battle style. 'Ringing the bell' may only allow you to instantly kill one or two other players rather than winning the game. This variation makes more sense in the full class version than in the ditch battle variant. Goldenvale has a Ring the Bell tourney as a traditional activity at Great Eastern. There they play with six person teams and a relatively small field. Some places do not allow weapons over four feet in length to ring the bell. Some places also play ditch style Ring the Bell by trading the ringer after each close rather than the first death. If both these variants are used together some care should be taken to balance long weapons since they will never change site.