Battlegame Examples
Rules of Play
Capture the Flag
Two or more teams compete to secure a flag at their base in order to score points. First team to three points wins. The flag is considered a game object. This game is fun to play in the woods or other areas with interesting terrain.
- Teams: 2+
- Lives: Unlimited
- Respawn: Instant at base
- Players: 5+ per team
- Objective: Bring the game flag to your base and hold it there for five seconds in order to score a point. Once a point is scored all teams reset to their bases.
- Refresh: Every 45 minutes of play time.
- Types Best Supported: All
Two teams line up across from each other just out of melee range and fight until one team is eliminated. New players join the losing team before the next round starts. If no new players are ready to join then the first dead on the winning team switches to the losing team before the next round starts. This is the simplest of all Battlegames and a good pickup game. Best played in medium-sized, open areas.
- Teams: 2
- Lives: 1
- Respawn: Start of round at base
- Players: 2+ per team
- Objective: Eliminate the other team. Once one team is eliminated each team resets to their side.
- Refresh: Not applicable, no classes used
- Types Best Supported: Ditch, Militia
Ring The Bell
Two teams attempt to hit the ‘Bell’ at the other teams base first. Bells must be touched by a player, or by a weapon under 36” currently held by a player, to be rung. First team to three points wins. This game is fun to play in small, open areas.
- Teams: 2
- Lives: Unlimited
- Respawn: Start of round at base
- Players: 3+ per team
- Objective: To strike the opposing teams bell and score a point. Upon a point being scored each team resets to base.
- Refresh: Not applicable, no classes used
- Types Best Supported: Ditch, Militia
Very Heavy Object
Two teams attempt to bring the Object to their opponent’s base to score a point. The Object must be kept at the opponent’s base for five seconds in order to score a point. The Object is considered a game item and should weigh at least 30lbs. First team to three points wins. This game is fun to play in medium sized areas with interesting terrain.
- Teams: 2
- Lives: Unlimited
- Respawn: Groups of two or more at base
- Players: 3+ per team
- Objective: Move the Object to the other team’s base and keep it there for five seconds in order to score a point. After a point is scored each team returns to base and the Object starts with the team with the lowest score.
- Refresh: Every 30 minutes of play time
- Types Best Supported: All
Castle Defense
One team defends, two teams attack. Rotate teams so each team has a chance to defend and two chances to attack. The team that wins is the team that defends the castle (or any given location) the longest before being eliminated. This game is fun to play in any place where you have a defensible location.
- Teams: 3
- Lives: Unlimited for the attackers, life pool for the defenders
- Respawn: Groups of three or more for the attackers at their base. Instant for the defenders at their base.
- Defender respawns reduce the available life pool.
- Players: 5+ per team
- Objective: The defending team with the longest duration in the castle wins. After the defenders are eliminated the teams rotate who is in the castle.
- Refresh: Each time the teams rotate
- Types Best Supported: All
Hold the Location
Three or more teams compete to hold a single central location for the longest cumulative time. Team bases should be spaced equidistantly around a central location. Game runs for a set amount of total time, normally 30 minutes. This game is fun to play in medium sized, open areas
- Teams: 3+
- Lives: Unlimited
- Respawn: Instant at base
- Players: 5+ per team
- Objective: The team with the highest cumulative time controlling the location wins. The location is controlled by the team of the last player that touched it.
- Scenario Rules: A team must control the location for at least ten seconds in order to get any credit for their possession; this makes it easier to accurately count and award time to each team.
- Refresh: None
- Types Best Supported: All
Mutual Annihilation
Two teams fight until all the players on one team are out of lives, or ‘shattered’. This game is fun to play in small environments with interesting terrain.
- Teams: 2
- Lives: Each player has a set life pool that runs out individually. Once out of lives, players must wait for the next game.
- Respawn: Players respawn at base after a 150 second death count
- Players: 3+ per team
- Refresh: None
- Scenario Rules: If at any time all players on one team are dead, all players are set to their bases and all dead players are advanced to their next life.
- Types Best Supported: Militia, Full-Class
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