Kelvelos Solevlek

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Kelvelos Solevlek ap Warbird
Kelvelos headshot.png
Paul Gibson
Chapter Cursed Prairie
Kingdom Rising Winds
Started January 2007
Nobility Master
Contact Info.
Solevlek Heraldry Revised.png
"Ferox Deo Vacuus Vinco" ("Proudly, without God, I conquer")

"Punch 'em in the dick!"

"Awesome how you ask for violence & I ask for hugs." - Taver


He is a member of Cursed Prairie, a chapter located in East Peoria, IL. Kelvelos began playing in January 2007, in which he attended Pokettokon; the only anime convention in the central Illinois area. There he assisted Lexi with an Amtgard demonstration & decided that it was enjoyable enough to absorb most of his free time. The next week he was at the park ready to hit people with foam.

Within his first 3 months he did exactly what he was told not to do by many players of a more experienced nature; namely (Katzu & Kathrynn). "Politics" they said "are something no newbie should play with for at least a year". So he ran for Champion; after facing many superior fighters from Phoenix Tears & Olympus he managed to come in at 3rd place; securing his office. Since then he has watched the park expand & accept new members as well as become part of the Rising Winds.

He was General of Bael's forces of Chaos; even though the war never really left home. He was also the PM of Cursed Prairie, where he helped develop better paperwork & ORK maintenance.

He is currently on a semi-hiatus from the game due to mundane issues & the distance needed to travel to attend his local park...


  • Kelvelos is fond of alcohol, yet he is not to have Tequila... EVER!




Belted Family

Kelvelos & RW Saracens




Other Facts

  • Mundane World
    • He is helping Dr. Steel build a Utopian Playland.
    • He is an Ordained Minister.
    • He is always working on offbeat Amtgard projects.
    • He is an freelance graphic artist & web designer, thus creating Heraldry including the one used for his park & being the primary editor/creator of most of his park's AmtWiki entries.
  • In Game
    • He is an angry Pirate.
    • He is the sole disciple of Lorian the Guardian of Time.
    • He carries the Asian name of "Mugetsu"
    • He has taken "Warbird" as his last name, due to the mentoring of "Colonel" Warbird.

More Information
