House Ambiguous
From AmtWiki
May or may not be a Party Household , may or may not be Amtgard, may or may not be from Arizona or Florida that may enjoy camping, boffing, roleplaying, WOW, Asheron's Call and/or Geocaching (Team Ambiguous). Some members are Amazon initiates and daughters (and their menfolk) while others got roped in unexpectedly. Or not. Whatever. Members may include:
- Aoiffe nic Paisley
- Aramis
- Akasha
- Anastashia
- Annabellee
- Balach
- Brianna
- Brownie
- Fernando Orlando Paisley
- Francis of Ravensholme
- Grunt
- Hazard
- Helora
- Keena Ferrel
- Lua
- ManyHorses
- Oshi
- Pirate Bob
- Rhiannon
- Sif
- Smoke
- Sophiya
- TwoFeathers