Combat Etiquette

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Combat Etiquette

Combat is fast-paced and highly competitive. In order to minimize misunderstandings and confusion on the field it is important to observe the following rules.

Handling Equipment

  1. Never handle anyone's personal property without first having their permission.

Calling Your Shots

  1. When you are dead announce it immediately and clearly. A player who does not declare their death promptly will likely be struck again.
  2. Communicate early and often with your opponents. If you made a close block or feel your opponent’s shot was invalid, communicate it immediately.
  3. If you are unsure if your opponent’s shot was good enough, it was. Only shots which are clearly invalid should be treated as such. If you have to think about it, take it.
  4. If an opponent hits you with a shot you think is late, ask them if they think it was in time. If they believe it was in time or are unsure if it was in time, take the shot.
  5. When dead, immediately move yourself the minimum distance necessary to avoid interfering with ongoing combat. Visually indicate that you are dead by placing your hand or weapon on or above your head.
  6. If asked you must promptly declare your current wounded status.

Delivering Shots

  1. Do not call shots on other players unless you are reeving or the player in question asks your opinion.
  2. If you have an issue with a player not taking a shot you believe connected, ask them about it politely and directly in the form of a question. If you are not satisfied with their response then bring the issue to a reeve.
  3. If an opponent takes a wound from you which you do not believe was from a valid shot, tell them not to take it. If they insist, let it go.
  4. If you hit an opponent with a shot that was late, immediately let them know not to take it.
  5. If you strike an opponent in the head or neck and derive a combat advantage from it, stop fighting and allow them to recover. If necessary back up to the point of the shot and resume the fight.


  1. If you become upset or angry go take a break. Come back when you’re ready to continue.
  2. If you believe a weapon on the field is unsafe, or being used in an unsafe manner, then immediately address it politely with the wielder. If the issue persists then address it with the Champion, reeve, or a park official.
  3. If you become injured on the field immediately inform any player engaged with you and remove yourself from the field of play. If you need assistance in removing yourself from play notify a nearby player or reeve.
  4. If a player becomes injured in your immediate vicinity move yourself a short distance away and continue play. If the injured player appears unable to leave the field or otherwise requires assistance then remove yourself from play to offer assistance. Under no circumstances should a player attempt to stop the field of play because one person has become injured unless it is necessary to provide for the safety of the injured player.
  5. If it is necessary to notify nearby players of a safety situation which requires them to stop play, then the player recognizing the situation should announce loudly “safety” to get the attention of nearby players and direct them away from the situation. If it is necessary to stop play for the entire field a player should announce loudly “emergency”. All players must avoid safety incidents while continuing play. All players must immediately stop play and cease moving until an emergency incident has been resolved.
Combat Rules
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