Code of Conduct
From AmtWiki
Amtgard Organization Circle of Monarchs · Kingdoms · Parks · Reeves · Companies and Households · Awards and Symbols · Code of Conduct · Age of Combatants
The Monarch, with the joint agreement of either the Prime Minister or the Guildmaster of Reeves, may ban a player from their group (and subgroups) for any of the reasons including, but not limited to, the list above at their discretion for any amount of time they feel appropriate. Any Monarch, with the joint agreement of either the Prime Minister or the Guildmaster of Reeves, may end a ban on a player at any time with the exception that a park Monarch may not overturn a ban instituted at the Kingdom level.
Any Kingdom level ban placed by a player’s Kingdom of residence or Kingdom of physical residence for items 1 through 5 and 7 is automatically extended to all Kingdoms and their Subgroups. For purposes of this section “Kingdom of residence” means the Kingdom where a player’s records are maintained and “Kingdom of physical residence” means the Kingdom in which the player has obtained the majority of their credits in the past three months. It is the responsibility of the Monarch enacting the ban to notify the Kingdoms using the Circle of Monarchs communication tools. Any Kingdom Monarch, with the joint agreement of either the Prime Minister or the Guildmaster of Reeves, may exempt their Kingdom from this extension by choosing to assume responsibility for the banned player and allowing the banned player to engage in Amtgard activities within their Kingdom and Subgroups, except that a Monarch may not exempt their Kingdom from a ban under item 3. In making an exemption, that Monarch is stating that they believe the following is true:
No person who has ever been convicted of a felony level sexual offense in any jurisdiction of the United States may participate in any Amtgard function at any time. The same is true for equivalent offenses in other countries.
No Person who is currently listed on a sexual offender registry for any jurisdiction within the United States based upon conviction of a crime may participate in any Amtgard function at any time. The same is true for equivalent public registries in other countries.
Freeholds must uphold all bans and suspensions that are issued by any Kingdom of Amtgard, without exception.
Amtgard Organization Circle of Monarchs · Kingdoms · Parks · Reeves · Companies and Households · Awards and Symbols · Code of Conduct · Age of Combatants