Belt Favors

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Belt favors made by MaA Dracus. Found on [Amtgard Ephemera]

Belt Favors are worn on the belt to denote Fighting Companies, Households, Class Apprentices, and Order Awards. They can be made of leather, fabric, or even metal.

Here is a consolidation of the different belt favors mentioned in the Amtwiki Awards: (These are not required items, but a way to express ones loyalties, camaraderie, and achievements.)

Official Award Favors

The Amtgard Rules of Play list the following official colors for Masterhood. While it doesn't explicitly name these colors for the respective ladder awards that lead to the Masterhoods, it makes sense to use the same colors for favors.


Masterhood may be granted in recognition of outstanding skill in a given area, and has a reserved symbol of a gold phoenix on a solid color background. Masterhood may only be granted at the kingdom level.

Battle: Gold phoenix on a tan background.
Crown: Gold phoenix on a black background.
Dragon: Gold phoenix on a green background.
Garber: Gold phoenix on a blue background.
Lion: Gold phoenix on a purple background.
Owl: Gold phoenix on a brown background.
Rose: Gold phoenix on a white background.
Smith: Gold phoenix on a gray background.
Warrior: Gold phoenix on a red background.

Some people suggest using the respective matching colors for those ladder awards, but reserving gold accents or trim for Masterhoods only.

Award Belt Favor color
Battle Tan
Crown Black
Dragon Green
Garber Blue
Lion Purple
Owl Brown
Rose White
Smith Gray
Warrior Red

Additional Unofficial Award Favors

These favors are in use by some players but are not reserved or defined in corpora or rules.

Award Belt Favor color
Flame Orange
Griffon Teal
Hydra Pink
Jovious Light blue
Mask Burgundy
Walker of the Middle Alternating black and white
Zodiac Yellow


Below is a modified version of the chart found on the Order of the Warrior page. Note that these colors and animals are suggestions only, and are not standardized.

Level # Belt Favor Animal
Level 1 Green Snake
Level 2 Blue Boar
Level 3 Red Mongoose
Level 4 Brown Bear
Level 5 Rust Hawk
Level 6 Grey Wolf
Level 7 Orange Tiger
Level 8 Black Panther
Level 9 Purple Dragon
Level 10 Yellow w/red border Phoenix


The reserved symbol of an Apprentice is a belt favor in the color of their Paragon’s Order trimmed in silver. Some will include the Paragon's heraldry.