Damien Logos

From AmtWiki

Damien Logos, of Kestral Keep a Freehold.

"Damn it, man! Stop blocking those with your eyes!" - Damien to Vorend after firing an arrow.

"If you have a white belt, act like it. If you don't have a white belt, act like you do anyway." - Damien to Alona Twotrees.


Damien combatting the dreaded Newbie Foo of Ethinea.


Damien Logos began playing Amtgard in 2001 in Inland Ocean, within the now defunct Kingdom of the Mystic Seas. He moved to the Kingdom of Neverwinter in 2004, and currently plays at Kestrel Keep, a freehold in Florida.

Affiliated Groups


Belted Line

More to come...

Notable Accomplishments

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More Information

  • personal URL
  • company URL