The Old One
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The Old One
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Helped start the freehold, Trail's End in October 2007, along with Lord Medicine Man, Lord Squire ShadowHawk Grimwulff, Lady Squire Katira Stormblade ap Grimwulff, and a few months later Master Aileana Grant.
Has held the offices of:
- Regent - Trails End, October 2007 - June 2008
- Jester - Trails End, October 2008 - December 2008
- Regent - Trails End, April 2009 - June 2009
- Ast Reg-Trails End, June 2008 - Dec 2008
- ast P.M.-[[ Trails End], Feb 2009 June 2009
- Sheriff- Trails end ,June 2009 oct 2009
Affiliated Groups
- House Legend - Helped start the group in 2008.
An Arts & Sciences House devoted to working on family genealogy that can be used as entries for Arts & Sciences competitions.
Notable Accomplishments

More Information
- Personal Website http:
- Company Website
- Legend Website
- Myspace site
- ORK http: //