Kelvelos Solevlek

From AmtWiki
Kelvelos Solevlek
Paul Gibson
Chapter Cursed Prairie
Kingdom Rising Winds
Started January 2007
Nobility Esquire
Contact Info.
E-Mail [email protected]
Yahoo! lordkelvelos
AOL IM lordkelvelos
MSN IM [email protected]

"Punch 'em in the dick!"



He is a member of Cursed Prairie, a chapter located in East Peoria, IL. Kelvelos began playing in January 2007, in which he attended Pokettokon; the only anime convention in the central Illinois area. There he assisted Lexi with an Amtgard demonstration & decided that it was enjoyable enough to absorb most of his free time. The next week he was at the park ready to hit people with foam.

Within his first 3 months he did exactly what he was told not to do by many players of a more experienced nature (Katzu, Kathrynn). "Politics" they said "are something no newbie should play with for at least a year". So he ran for Champion; & won; qualified even. Since then he has watched the park expand & accept new members as well as become part of the Rising Winds.

Currently, he is acting as General to Bael's forces of Chaos; leading his small army to war against Chapters way out of their league.

Other Facts

  • He is a Pirate through & through.
  • He is fond of RUM, Captain Morgan & Parrot Bay: Coconut Rum.
  • He loves his Egyptian Narghile.
  • He is the sole disciple of Lorian the Guardian of Time.
  • He also has an Asian persona named "Mugetsu"
  • He is the real-life companion of Lexi.
  • In the Mundane-World he is an avid graphic artist & web designer.
  • He is always working on offbeat Amtgard projects.
  • He has created multiple items of Heraldry including the one used for his park.
  • He is the primary editor/creator of most of his park's AmtWiki entries.


  • Kelvelos is not to have Tequila... EVER!







Additional Images

Kelvelos4.jpg Kelvelos2.jpg Kelvelos3.jpg Lexi&kelvelos.jpg Kelvelos, annmarina, thunderwolf.jpg

More Information

  • MySpace - Where Kelvelos is in constant contact with bands of an electronic & industrial nature.