Taver Alundra Firestrike
From AmtWiki
Taver "Shippo" Firestrike, the Double-Tailed One
"You know...Sometimes I forget that I'm wearing these pants." --Taver on wearing Japanese Hakama.
Taver, or Shippo resides in the Rising Winds under the flag of Satyr's Crossing. She passed through SX once in 2005 and liking the land, returned a short while later to continue to fight under its banner. Conflicting continually with Deathric Shadowmoore over the mass slaughter of her clan, she tends to be a little edgy. Maybe more than just a little edgy...Sort of like a crack-gremlin.
On a lighter note, Taver has been active in politics within the last year of being in Satyr's Crossing. She likes sticking her nose in where tends to not belong.
Affiliated Groups
- Order of Terileyea -- Initiated Winter 07/08
- Bugged Linden to let her in to Dreamweavers, May of 08
- The Eternal Order of Darkness -- Was given her tabard at Discord 2008 while singing drunkenly to the campfire and not the people listening. --Sigh--
Notable Accomplishments
- Flurb in-training
- Successfully disarmed a potato
- Reeve Qualified March 2008 - February 2009
Other Facts
- Cooperating with Ninetails over a Monster Guild.
- Manages Satyr's Crossing's Wiki pages.
- May be going to Goldenvale over the Summer.
- Running for Regent as of May 2008
- Proclaimed Xanthas Silvermoon her rival in flurbery.
- Is a glorified hippy.