Kelvelos Solevlek

From AmtWiki
Kelvelos Solevlek
Paul Gibson
Chapter Cursed Prairie
Kingdom Rising Winds
Started January 2007
Nobility Esquire
Contact Info.
E-Mail [email protected]
Yahoo! lordkelvelos
AOL IM lordkelvelos
MSN IM [email protected]

"Who doesn't like RUM?"



He is a member of Cursed Prairie, a chapter located in East Peoria, IL. Kelvelos began playing in January 2007, in which he attended Pokettokon the only anime convention in the central Illinois area. There he assisted Lexi with an Amtgard demonstration & decided that it was enjoyable enough to absorb most of his free time. The next week he was at the park ready to hit people with foam.

Within his first 3 months he did exactly what he was told not to do by many players of a more experienced nature (Katzu, Kathrynn). "Politics" they said "are something no newbie should play with for at least a year". So he ran for Champion; & won; qualified even. Since then he has watched the park expand & accept new members as well as become part of the Rising Winds.

Currently, he is acting as General to Bael's forces of Chaos; leading his small army to war against Chapters way out of their league.

Other Facts

  • He is a Pirate through & through.
  • He is fond of RUM, Captain Morgan & Parrot Bay: Coconut Rum.
  • He loves his Egyptian Narghile.
  • He is the sole disciple of Lorian the Guardian of Time.
  • He also has an Asian persona named "Mugetsu"
  • He is the real-life companion of Lexi.
  • In the Mundane-World he is an avid graphic artist & web designer.
  • He is always working on offbeat Amtgard projects.
  • He has created multiple items of Heraldry including the one used for his park.
  • He is the primary editor/creator of most of his park's AmtWiki entries.


  • Kelvelos is not to have Tequila... EVER!





Additional Images

Kelvelos4.jpg Kelvelos2.jpg Kelvelos3.jpg Lexi&kelvelos.jpg Kelvelos, annmarina, thunderwolf.jpg

More Information

  • MySpace - Where Kelvelos is in constant contact with bands of an electronic & industrial nature.