Ink Von Squid
Baron Squire INK! Von Squid, of Granite Spyre, Wetlands
”I do pretty copy and paste” ”Hey BudDY!!! (fist bump)” "Sometimes he remembers that he's tall"
Ink Von Squid Began formally playing Amtgard on July 8th, 2007 in The Kingdom of The Emerald Hills, the second kingdom of Amtgard which was granted status in 1988. INK!, as his fellow peers like to call him, began his journey as being one of the few active co-founders of King's Point, a park that currently resides in Fort Worth, Texas. INK! rose to popularity in 2014 when he and his brother Sir Bloodwood joined Sable Pride, an Amtgard company that was founded in the Emerald Hills in 1988. While in the Emerald Hills, INK! was known for his many dedications with Sable Pride in the Emerald Hills doing security for events, INK! received two Order of the flame in 2011, and another in 2022 for their efforts in service to the Kingdom of the Emerald Hills.
Ink Von Squid is well known for his digital art in scroll/award making, fighting, and service to the kingdom. Since June of 2022, INK! has since left Sable Pride and moved to Houston, Texas where he and his wife, Hotmess, proudly serve Amtgard and the Wetlands. INK! has served two consecutive terms as Kingdom Champion of The Wetlands in 2024 with his wife Hotmess as Kingdom Regent of the Wetlands for Reign 57.
INK!s persona is a mix of multiple genres, mainly from his love of Star Wars, stormtroopers, and the Darkside when it comes to Star Wars lore. INK!s personal insignia is an Octopus, where he tells his story of how and why he discovered his fascination with octopi and why he takes pride in the symbol he chose. "I was going through a really odd time in my life. Covid struck, my place of business closed, i was going through a huge life change with a new job and relocating and having to decide whether or not i wanted to leave my hometown. Now, I'm not a person with spiritual beliefs but i kept having weird lucid dreams due to stress and other things and i kept noticing they all had an octopus in them. Well, long story short i ended up reading the meanings behind an octopus and what it can represent and i just gravitated to it. I normally don't stick to just one thing, with my ADHD i tend to jump around and do different things at different times, hence the octopus that has eight arms." -INK! Von Squid-
Ink Von Squid discovered his name by realizing that each word in his Amtgard name meant different things about himself. INK! because he draws, does tattoo art, digital art, and anything that really has to do with ink. He discovered the middle part of his name from watching the newly adapted movie "Dracula". And get it!
Ink Von Squid developed his character into what he calls a "hodge podge" of different lore and video games he likes. Star Wars, Pirates, Assassins Creed Video games, Octopus's, and LED lights (led lights? that's odd).
"Ink Von Squid is a mix of Star Wars, Assassins Creed, Pirates, an Immortal being like Cthulhu, and of course Octopi!" -INK! Von Squid-
"My character i created is an immortal being created by Cthulhu to assist him in taking over the world, i call him an Immortal Time Jumper. Cthulhu gave INK! the ability to be able to jump into different time periods using what i call an "immortal tear" that INK! can just make out of thin air. So i can go from the renaissance era to a more distant future era. That's why INK! looks the way he does with his LED mask and light saber and the hidden blade he has. In a way i made him a "lore Jumper", jumping through different time periods of different things that i like whether its lore or video games." -INK! Von Squid-
Affiliated Groups
- Service Company
- Formerly a member of Sable Pride:2014-2021
- Households
- Member and Founder of Squid Manor
Belted Family
Ink Von Squid is squired to all the Knights of Pirates of Stormwall
- Sir Ozymandias de Mandaloria: (Flame)(Crown)(Serpent)
- Archduke Sir Vincent Landcrest: (Serpent)
- Grand Duchess Dame Limbo: (Crown)
- Lady Sir Thara Alexandria Landcrest: (Flame)
- Admiral Dama Neiva G.S. Morningstar de Landcrest: (Flame)
- Duke Sir Pluto Tigris: (Flame)
- Archduke Sir Chuckles: (Crown)(Flame)
- Dame Tatum:(Crown)
- Dame Bridgette: (Serpent)
- Sir Psy: (Serpent)
Notable Accomplishments
- Designed artwork for Amtgard International's Amtgard Market merchandise line: Year 2024
- Granted the title of Baron on August 1st, 2018 for their great success in serving as Monarch of Kings Point: Winter Reign 2017
- Given Paragon Monk, for playing monk consistently since playing Amtgard, having crazy block abilities as monk in a battle game, and having so many credits in the Monk class: December 2nd, 2023
Kingdom Offices at Kingdom of the Wetlands
- Kingdom Champion of Kingdom of the Wetlands for Reign 56 (Dec 2023- May 2024)
- Kingdom Champion of Kingdom of the Wetlands for Reign 57 (May 2024- Dec 2024)
- Local Offices at King's Point
- Provincial Duke of King's Point: Summer Reign 2017
- Ducal Regent of King's Point: Winter Reign 2017