Riddle de Rat
From AmtWiki
Riddle de Rat Riddle de Rat of Shadowcrest in the Kingdom of Neverwinter
Riddle de Rat Seeker of the Moon Cheese, Curator of nooks and crannies, Mother of chickens
- Riddle known for her art, service, and cleverness. She's an excellent rat and exemplifies RP and originality. She loves to help others shine, and is also a bit of a trickster who loves to have her secrets, though mostly about where to get her cheese fix. She's an excellent artist, and constantly strives to try new mediums, always finding something new to fascinate her. Lately she's been quite talented with her resin projects, and is already an accomplished sculptor and fabricator.
Flurby Stuff
Riddle de Rat is a living rat who is constantly getting the better end of the deal. She's a fun creature, and only rarely bites, but loves to get bribes of CHEESE. Upon her travels she often shares cheese with others, and is a great help and reliable friend.
She is a furry little artist and likes to teach others.
She's constantly trying to one-up William Bootstrap Turnip.
Known Associates
- SirGaius Agrotera Goodnight pyrate
- Rycera (Dame) Lexi the Storyteller
Belted family
- Current Woman At-Arms to Gaius Agrotera
- Silversmith to House Silvermoon
Notable Accomplishments
Master Thespian (2023)
Baroness (2020)
Local monarchy in Shadowcrest several times.
Riddle de Rat works hard as a leader in Shadowcrest.
She continues to be an amazing Role-playing and acting example to all of Amtgard.