Acanthus Crest
A Barony of the Rising Winds located in East Peoria, Illinois.
Cursed Prairie was reincarnated by Squire Maggie O'Conner and Squire Shinsei in 2006. The park is currently petitioning the Rising Winds, and should be voted on in September. It appears that Cursed Prairie was accepted by Rising Winds, looking for confirmation. In theory, the old records from before the park's collapse years ago still exist somewhere, but nobody is sure where they are.
Cursed Prairie became a Barony in November 2007.
Active Members
- Annmarina
- Argyle
- Arminius
- Daeowynd
- Dregon
- Galdor
- Kasen
- Kelvelos
- Killius
- Lexi
- Liam Mc'Oi
- Maggie O'Conner
- Reaper
- Rock
- Roshi
- Saphira
- Sessyth
- Tempter
- Tenshi
- Thoc
- ThunderWolf
- Willhelm
Curséd Prairie meets in Cooper Park in East Peoria, Illinois on Sundays at 12:00pm, on the side without the docks. For more information, as well as contacts, check out our Yahoo!Group at
For information on other chapters in Amtgard look here