Finn Troll

From AmtWiki

Finn Troll , of Jupiter's Stones, Tal Dagore

”You've only got your word and your nerve, make sure to keep both.”


In 2007 began play as a member of Western gate. Shortly after left to fulfill academic goals. In 2014 was reintroduced to the game by Fuzz at Jupiter's Stones where he has been playing since. Within the first few months of being back became champion of Jupiter's Stones. Since then, Finn Troll has contributed to his park via creating awards, holding office positions, bringing water supplies to park, and attempting recruitment.

After a short time in the game, Finn Troll decided to become part of Grendel Company.

Affectionate nicknames

When Finn Troll began again in 2014 several people have called him various names because of homegangs or other reasons. You may also know Fintroll by the following names:

  • Lil Fuzz* - Given by Konrad at Homegang
  • Homeless Andy* - Given by Monkey at 2015 Summer Coronation.
  • Minstrel* - Given by Sparrow and Erewen for mishearing my name
  • Tiny Tank* - Given by Nozomi during Grendel outing.

Affiliated Groups

Belted Family

None as of Now

Notable Accomplishments

Champion of Jupiter's Stone (1/2015 - 7/2015)

More Information