Combat, Weapons and Equipment 7.2

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Revision as of 20:13, 12 January 2015 by BlackBart (talk | contribs)

Taken Directly from the 7.2 Rulebook; the previous section is 'Persona Guidelines (V7)'

Check the links for further information.

Combat Rules (V7)

Combat With Armor (V7):

Rating Armor (V7)

A Valid Shot (V7)

Equipment (V7)


Besides a few magical weapons, Amtgard only allows non-explosive, non-chemical weapons that might have been in existence before 1650 AD.

Weapon Types (V7)

Below is a list of weapon categories and their construction requirements. See the Equipment Construction section for more information.

Projectiles (V7)

Except for javelins, projectiles may not be used to parry, block, or melee. There is no limit to the number that can be carried. All these weapons do one point of damage to armor and may be blocked by weapons without penalty. Rocks (V7) hurled two-handed will deal two points of damage to armor, but otherwise behave the same.

Ammunition (V7)

Not explicitly granted to anybody, ammunition is a class of projectiles used in conjunction with other types of weapons.

Dagger (V7)

Short Weapon (V7)

Long Weapon (V7)

Reach (V7)

Hinged Weapons (V7)

Madu (V7)

Spear (V7)

Bow (V7)

-See also Crossbow (V7)

Weapon Effects

Archery (V7)

The Art of the Bow (V7), or Crossbow (V7); a noble meatseaking endevor.

Siege Weapons

Siege weapons are extremely powerful engines of destruction that were historically used for everything from anti-personnel to tearing down walls from a great distance. Check the link for all the abilities and limitations of siege weapons.


The next section of the 7.2 Rulebook is Equipment Construction (V7)

Player Notes

Chango on weapon guidlines:

I know almost all of you will look at these guidlines and say they are too restrictive and prevent you from building whatever god-awful contraption you think will actually work on the field. Just try and remember the rules are written as they are in order to protect you, the player, from the machinations of the lowest common denominator of player within the game, you know, the guy that thinks spent .22 caliber rounds would make a perfect "granular core" for his throwing daggers, trust me, I've seen it happen.