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Revision as of 09:32, 20 September 2011 by Wat (talk | contribs)

Wat, of Sky Harbor of The Freeholds of Amtgard

What sorcery is this!?


Persona Biography

Wat was born of an elven mother and a dwarven father, graced with his mother's height and cursed with his father's build. Chased from his hometown for being a half-breed, he sailed aboard the Bachelor's Delight under Captain Ray of Hawkwood. Wat is normally clad in a haubergeon of light, shining Mithril chain, inherited from his father before being forced to flee his home. Wat regularly serves as a scout and dabbles in druidic magic.

In the summer of 2011, Wat left his home at Madoc's Keep and ventured into the unmapped wastes, forming Sky Harbor to the north. Still goes to Madoc's Keep every saturday, though.

Mundanian Biography

Daniel Caskey began playing amtgard in October 2010, joining Madoc's Keep in Louisville, KY. He originally played a game in Mundania called Humans Vs. Zombies, in which 'zombies' tag 'humans' to make them zombies, and humans defend themselves with nerf guns, or foam swords. After seeing some very well-made (turned out to be Belegarth) equipment hit the field for HVZ, Wat began hunting for LARP groups in Louisville, and upon discovering Madoc's Keep has been addicted to Amtgard ever since.

Affiliated Groups

Peregrine Guard/Deckhand rank aboard the P.G.S Bachelor's Delight - Left on good terms in September 2011

ROOKS - Jugging team (Won out on top of the Saracens, and Frenzy/Ferrum Crux at the spring 2011 Madoc's Keep jugging games. BOOSH)

Belted Family

Notable Accomplishments

Founded Sky Harbor in New Albany, IN

Additional Images


More Information
