Stradivarius Greywolf

From AmtWiki
Stradivarius Greywolf
Home Park Sun's Haven
Kingdom Desert Winds
Year Started 2020
Noble Title Ducal Defender
Belt Status Squire

Master Squire Stradivarius Greywolf, of Sun's Haven, Kingdom of the Desert Winds

"Chan eil tuil air nach tig traoghadh."


Strad found Amtgard in the land of Desert Winds, the chapter of Sun's Haven in 2020. Starting late 2021, He spent several years in The Empire of the Iron Mountains teaching music and protecting The Northern Holdfast from accursed monsters and the like, along side his family in House Swifthammer. Strad also met two brave adventurers along the way named Morgana and Bromulus; the three of them founded the battle gaming company Sceptre. As of summer 2024 he has returned home to the chapter of Sun's Haven where he protects and teaches in the land of Desert Winds once again.

He aspires to be a leader in the bardic world of Amtgard through music and plans to continue teaching music classes and helping aspiring composers with the production and recording aspects of music composition, He currently runs the Amtgard Bardic Academy.

He also holds a Master Dragon, in which all Dragons were awarded for music composition and orchestration.

Belted Family

Flame Path

Battle Path / Serpent Path (Fount)

Crown Path N/A

Sword Path N/A

Affiliated Groups

Former Affiliated Groups

Class Apprentices

  • Chance Bluewolf: Bard
  • Battle Master Gideon Feralheart: Anti-Paladin
  • Hunter Drakehaven: Assassin

Notable Accomplishments

Positions Held:

More Information

  • Orkicon2.gif