Gorovan Dramsson
From AmtWiki
Gorovan Dramsson of Syrindale, Goldenvale
Started Amtgard on July 16th, 2015 in the Barony of Empire's Grove in the Kingdom of Goldenvale. Moved to Syrindale at the end of Summer 2017. Currently spending Summer 2018 back at Empire's Grove, before returning to Syrindale in the fall.
Notable Accomplishments
Terms in Office
- Elected Pro-Tem Baronial Guildmaster of Reeves by the Barony of Empire's Grove. (February 14th, 2016-March 6th, 2016)
- Elected Baronial Guildmaster of Reeves by the Barony of Empire's Grove. (March 6th, 2016-June 19th, 2016)
- Elected Ducal Chancellor by the Duchy of Empire's Grove. (June 19th, 2016-January 29th, 2017)
- Elected Kingdom Guildmaster of Reeves by the Kingdom of Goldenvale. (March 11th, 2017-September 3rd, 2017)
- Elected Pro-Tem Ducal Guildmaster of Reeves by the Duchy of Syrindale, née Caradoc Hold. (September 11th, 2017-December 2nd, 2017)
- Elected Ducal Guildmaster of Reeves by the Duchy of Syrindale. (December 2nd, 2017-June 30, 2018)
- Elected Pro-Tem Kingdom Guildmaster of Reeves by the Kingdom of Goldenvale. (June 17th, 2018-present)
Positions Held
- Appointed Baronial Chamberlain by Baron Talas Qazaq of Empire's Grove. (September 6th, 2015-February 14th, 2016)
- Appointed Kingdom Chamberlain by King Nexus Crow of Goldenvale. (March 14th, 2016-August 4th, 2016)
- Elected to Kingdom Board of Directors by the Kingdom of Goldenvale. (January 21st, 2018-present)
- Appointed Kingdom Rules Representative by King Thrahg Savageshield. (February 7th, 2018-present)
Awards & Titles
- Received the noble title of Esquire from Noodles Aldente, King of Goldenvale. (March 6th, 2016)
- Received the noble title of Lord from Jondal'ar Silvertongue, Monarch of Goldenvale. (March 11th, 2017)
- Received the non-noble title of "Best Hat" from Tiril, Duchess of Empire's Grove. (July 3rd, 2017)
- Received the noble title of Baronet from Thrahg Savageshield, High King of Goldenvale. (September 3rd, 2017)
- Received the non-noble title of "Tree Beard" from Muirin, Regent of Annwyn. (February 11th, 2018)
Affiliated Groups
- The Boxcutter Kids Household (Lord)
- Ashlanders Fighting Company
- The Cult of the Third Hand Household
Vert a tree or within a bordure sable.
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