Leon the Lion

From AmtWiki

Leon the Lion, of Inland Ocean, Northern Lights

”I was born for this”

Leon the Lion
Leon the Lion, of House Llewellyn
Home Park Stormhaven
Principality Viridian Outlands
Year Started 2014
Family Guin Llewellyn
Belt Status None


Affiliated Groups

Noble House Llewellyn

Belted Family

Is not a member of a belted family, but his family is as follows:
Grandparents: Count Sir Avalok and Lady Sir Essewyn
Parents: Baroness Lady MAA Guin Llewellyn and Squire Twixter
Godfather: Duke Squire Darius Llewellyn

Notable Accomplishments

Additional Images

”Though I stand with Giants, I shall not be afraid. Instead I will stand tall, and face them head on”
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More Information

  • Orkicon2.gif
  • Personal Website
  • Company Website