Souls' Crossing
A Barony of the Emerald Hills located in Memphis, TN.

Azure, an offset compass rose Or.
Park originally founded in 1996 as a province of the Iron Mountains, under the name Far Woods. Many years later it joined the Rising Winds, under the Principality of Tal Dagore. Eventually the Far Woods was dissolved and reformed in 2005 as Souls' Crossing, a freehold. In 2007, it officially came under the Emerald Hills and as of Jun 26, 2011, Souls' Crossing was named a Barony.
Directions and Contacts
Souls' Crossing currently meets every Sunday afternoon starting about 1pm at Audobon Park at the NE corner of Park & Goodlett in Memphis, TN. On occasions when someone else has taken over the southernmost pavilion there, we meet at one of the benches along the same stretch of the driveway nearby.
As with all parks, attendance declines in the winter, so visit in the off-season at your own risk.
On days with bad weather, we usually head out to the food court of the nearby Oak Court Mall. Directions to Oak Court Mall: from Park & Goodlett, head north on Goodlett until you reach Southern; turn right at the first light onto Southern, and head east until you see the Mall on your left. Turn left at the traffic light, then immediately right and down the bottom level of the garage ahead. Park where you can. The main mall entrance there will take you to the food court where we may be found.
Chapter officers
As of June 2012:
Baroness: Kizmet Firecrow
Regent: Eldivar
Chancellor: Lelas Woodbine
Champion: Granite
Guildmaster of Reeves: ShadowRose Ravenmoon
Captain Willie and the J-Force
House Dar
Rose in the Wild
Society of the Hammer
Argent Moon
Bastard Sons of Habibi
Karma Company
The Strays of Mountain Valley
Web Presence
Souls' Crossing has a mailing list: The mailing list is the best way to get in touch with us. Go to the following URL: to see about joining the mailing list. If you have a non-Amtgard-ish e-mail address, be sure to mention Amtgard in your petition, or else we may think it's a request from a filthy list-spammer. Thanks in advance :)
We also have the Souls Crossing Chancellor's Desk at and have a Facebook Group at where you can get info about our current activities.