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Lady Glyn Aidan, of Caradoc Hold, Goldenvale.



One of the four founders of Caradoc Hold, Glyn served for nearly a year as the first chancellor of the barony, and since then has done terms as sheriff and regent, and has continuously filled the position of Guildmaster of Scouts since the first guildmasters were appointed in the early days of the shire. Character-wise, she's a reformed pirate who has mostly settled down but has occasional bouts of mischief.

Affiliated Groups

The Lady of Vishnu's Elbow, member of the White Horse Household, member of the Waywatchers (Sentinel, Juniper), member of the Society of the Squid (touched), member of House Privateer, member of House Balliamo (drummer).

Notable Accomplishments

Belted Family

Glyn has at least one Page, Blacksnake.

Positions Held

  • Chancellor of Caradoc Hold, September 2004 - May 2005
  • Dragonmaster of Caradoc Hold, October 2005 - April 2006
  • Dragonmaster of Caradoc Hold, April 2006 - October 2006
  • Sheriff of Caradoc Hold, May 2006 - November 2006
  • Regent of Caradoc Hold, November 2006 - May 2007
  • Guildmster of Scouts, September 2004 - October 2007
  • Guildmaster of Reeves, November 2006 - May 2007
  • Guildmaster of Literature and Language, May 2007 - October 2007

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