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Revision as of 21:42, 20 February 2017 by BlackBart (talk | contribs) (Update to Dor X)

Elves are the longest lived of all the civilized races. Their thin limbs and beautiful features cause many races to underestimate the Elven Nation – much to the dismay of any enemy who has lost a war to the graceful elves.
Dor Un Avathar X

Game Statistics

Template:Dor X Monster Info




Special Notes

In The Darkness: Dark Elf

Elves, like most other humanoid races, do not come in just one “flavor.” There are many subraces, but the most common is the Dark Elf. Long ago, they were driven out of the Sylvan cities and forced underground because of their worship of evil gods. Dark Elves take great pleasure at the destruction of anything good or bright, especially their surface dwelling cousins and their arboreal homelands.

Template:Dor X Monster Info

Dark Elf Abilities

Dark Elf Vulnerabilities



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