Gorovan Dramsson
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Gorovan Dramsson of Syrindale, Goldenvale
Started Amtgard on July 16th, 2015 in the Barony of Empire's Grove in the Kingdom of Goldenvale.
Notable Accomplishments
Terms in Office
- Elected Pro-Tem Baronial Guildmaster of Reeves by the Barony of Empire's Grove. (February 14th, 2016-March 6th, 2016)
- Elected Baronial Guildmaster of Reeves by the Barony of Empire's Grove. (March 6th, 2016-June 19th, 2016)
- Elected Ducal Chancellor by the Duchy of Empire's Grove. (June 19th, 2016-January 29th, 2017)
- Elected Kingdom Guildmaster of Reeves by the Kingdom of Goldenvale. (March 11th, 2017-September 3rd, 2017)
- Elected Pro-Tem Ducal Guildmaster of Reeves by the Duchy of Syrindale. (September 11th, 2017-December 2nd, 2017)
- Elected Ducal Guildmaster of Reeves by the Duchy of Syrindale, née Caradoc Hold. (December 2nd, 2017-present)
- Elected Pro-Tem Kingdom Guildmaster of Reeves by the Kingdom of Goldenvale. (June 17th, 2018-present)
Positions Held
- Appointed Baronial Chamberlain by Baron Talas Qazaq of Empire's Grove. (September 6th, 2015-February 14th, 2016)
- Appointed Kingdom Chamberlain by King Nexus Crow of Goldenvale. (March 14th, 2016-August 4th, 2016)
- Elected to Kingdom Board of Directors by the Kingdom of Goldenvale. (January 21st, 2018-present)
- Appointed Kingdom Rules Representative by King Thrahg Savageshield. (February 7th, 2018-present)
Awards & Titles
- Received the noble title of Esquire from Noodles Aldente, King of Goldenvale. (March 6th, 2016)
- Received the noble title of Lord from Jondal'ar Silvertongue, Monarch of Goldenvale. (March 11th, 2017)
- Received the non-noble title of "Best Hat" from Tiril, Duchess of Empire's Grove. (July 3rd, 2017)
- Received the noble title of Baronet from Thrahg Savageshield, High King of Goldenvale. (September 3rd, 2017)
- Received the non-noble title of "Tree Beard" from Muirin, Regent of Annwyn. (February 11th, 2018)
Affiliated Groups
- The Boxcutter Kids Household (Lord)
- Ashlanders Fighting Company
- The Cult of the Third Hand Household
Vert a tree or within a bordure sable.
More Information