Faline Blackthorne

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Page Faline Blackthorne

”Whenever you see Bambie in a suit I only have two words to say, Dat Ass”


Born in from the leader of the gypsy clan, Mana Blackthorne. Faline has been traveling to a couple events Mana blackthorne hosted, Blackthrone revel and Gathering. With her older brother Nicholas Blackthrone and her mother Mana Blackthrone by her side. Nicholas used to attend events frequently but stopped shortly after turning 16. Since then he has not returned to pirate events.

In the Spring of 2009 Faline met the joyful and comforting company of a young boy, Bambie. Faline had a wonderful time talking and getting to know one another, but as the last day came to an end, they said there goodbyes and went their separate ways hoping to one day meet again.

A year flew by and Faline's mother couldn't bear to take her caravan to the upcomming event Tortuga . Faline wanted to continue her travels an as the days grew closer a good friend offered voyage on her families vessel. joined a fellow friend she had met through pirate events. Faline camped with the bloody compass for the first Tortuga.

Summer of 2011 brought another event that Faline had camped with the bloody compass. Bambie had found her again and began to talk and catch up on all of the things that had happened since they had last met. As the last day of Seadog was approaching the two began dating and have been happily together since. Faline tagged along with Bambie and the Black Hand (Company) to events and fighting practices. Summer of 2012 and everyone in the Black Hand (Company) prepared for another Seadogs, Bambie and Faline camped with the house. in early august of 2012 Faline became a heart to the Black Hand company and soon after faithfully accepted to be a Paige to Draugr Virduligr and is still to this day.

Affiliated Groups

Became a Heart of the Black Hand (Company) August 2012

Belted Family

Nobility Beltline

Notable Accomplishments

Was Championed by Bambie De Leviathan at Seadogs's 2012 as his lady, whom he fight for and won first at the Fight for your Love Tournament along with Bambie and recieved a shield she shares with Bambie

More Information

  • Personal Website
  • Company Website