Acid Bolt (V7)

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Acid Bolt (B, Sorcery)


Padded green "acid" ball with streamers


Hold ball and repeat x5 "Acid Bolt."


This ball of acid is considered to be a Red throwing weapon. Will wound/kill as normal on limb/torso shots. Deals two points of damage to armor and will destroy a normal shield in three blows, but may be parried by a weapon without penalty.


It is not stopped by Protection from Projectiles. Greater Missile Block is ineffective against this.

Who gets it?

A 3rd level Druid spell. Also available to Bards through Voice.

Monster who get it

Magic Balls
Bard: None
Druid: Entangle 1 · Iceball 2 · Force Bolt 4
Healer: Entangle 2 . Iceball 3 . Abeyance 5
Wizard: Force Bolt 1 · Entangle 2 · Suppression Bolt 2 · Iceball 3 · Lightning Bolt 3 · Fireball 4 · Phase Bolt 5 · Sphere of Annihilation 6