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== [[MaA]] Daffy Yoshido, of [[Harbour of Rhye]], [[Crystal Groves]]==
== Lord Daffy Yoshido, of Granite Spyre, in the Kingdom of the Wetlands==
[[File:2014-10-31 08.34.29.jpg]]
"Hurry my hands are cramping up."
{{Template:Infobox Amtgarder|image=[[File:Daffy_Symbol_Mini.JPG|150px]]|name=<small>Daffy Yoshido</small>|park=[[Granite Spyre]]|Kingdom=[[Wetlands]]|year=[[1994]]|noble= [[Lord]], [[Esquire]]|belt= }}
"When do we ditch?"
{{Template:Infobox Amtgarder|image=[[File:Daffy_Symbol_Mini.JPG|150px]]|name=<small>Daffy Yoshido</small>|park=[[Harbour of Rhye]]|Kingdom=[[Crystal Groves]]|year=[[1994]]|noble=|belt=[[Man-at-Arms]]}}
"You can never be truly great until you learn to wipe with the left."
*Daffys real name is Jeremy. Jeremy started Amtgard in Pasadena, Tx. in 1994 at the [[Mushroom Shrine]] in the Kingdom of the [[Wetlands]]. He was introduced to Amtgard by his friend Casey Jones, also known as Draxkull Zeth Anthyontopia. Jeremy currently resides back in Houston.
===Affiliated Groups===
"When do we ditch?"
*Formerly of [[Green Dragons]]
*Formerly of [[Tower]]
*Formerly of [[Spartans of the Rhye]]
"Hold on, I need some Dr Pepper and a cigarette?"
Daffy was born in the Shire of the Mushroom Shrine in the Kingdom of the Wetlands. His training in the arts of combat first came from his childhood friend Draxkull. He learned many things and traveled the surrounding land of the Wetlands in search of more training. He was always restless and wanted to travel the world and learn about other civilizations and their customs. He packed up his family and traveled again, to a new land known as the Kingdom of Crystal Groves.
There he settled in The Shire of the Harbour of Rhye. He soon joined a band of warriors known as the Spartans of the Rhye. He fit in great and quickly moved up to the rank of Polmarch/Second in Command. Daffy stayed with the Spartans and fought many battles with them but, had no sooner called them family when an unknown darkness crept into the Harbour of Rhye and corrupted some of its people.
Many were lost to the darkness. Daffy was unaffected by the evil and shortly banded together with those left in HoR to fight back and restore the shire. Upon restoring HoR, he became Sheriff and then Man-at-Arms to Lord Manama Proster, who also introduced him to a band of warriors known as Tower.
Upon hearing his deeds in defense of the shire, the Queen of the Kingdom of Crystal Groves, Duchess Katrina awarded Daffy Yoshido the title of Lord. Daffy had vowed long ago to return the name Yoshido once again to glory, and now that vow was being fulfilled.  
*Jeremy started Amtgard in Pasadena, Tx. in 1994 at [[Mushroom Shrine]] in the Kingdom of the [[Wetlands]]. He was introduced to the game by his friend Casey Jones, no not the one from TMNT.
===Affiliated Groups===
Daffy continued training with Tower until leaving them for his long awaited return to the Wetlands.
*[[Spartans of the Rhye]]
After arriving in the Wetlands, Daffy and his family settled in the Barony of Granite Spyre. He met more friends that he would learn from and fight with. He took a Page named Belon Ebonheart. After so long, Daffy felt at home again. In a few years the kingdom he lived in asked him to take up his banner and help defend it's boarders.
===Belted Line===
===Notable Accomplishments===
*HoR's "Park Old Guy" given by Lord [[Manama Proster]] in 2009
Daffy was born in the Shire of the Mushroom Shrine in the Kingdom of the Wetlands. He was always restless and wanted to travel the world and learn about other civilizations and their customs. On his 18th birthday he had saved enough money to gain passage on a merchant ship heading to the land of the Orient. He planed to visit many places after but, little did he know that as soon as he reached his first destination, his life would change forever.
*[[Champion]] of The [[Harbour of Rhye]] Oct. 2009 - April 2010
Daffy arrived and started walking toward the village, when he noticed a young girl in the water drowning. Daffy jumped in, saved the girl, and escorted her to her home. He soon learned that the girls father was the daimyo, or lord of the village. After learning of Daffy's rescue of his daughter, he soon took Daffy under his wing and into his home. This was a great honor and a rare thing offered to an outsider.
*Polemarch of the Spartans of the Rhye company 2009 - 2010
Years past, a civil war erupted between various clans. The daimyo's lord sent out a decree that all outsiders were to leave the land. The daimyo was sadened by this because he had grown fond of Daffy but, he could not disobey his liege lord, and questioning him would be seen as disrespect. The daimyo sent for Daffy and advised him of the situation, he understood so he didn't question it. In the morning, Daffy said his goodbyes and was on his way to the ship guards stopped him and told him that the daimyo wanted to see him right away. He arrived back at the home and was taken to a great room. Inside, many people sat lined up on both sides of the room. Daffy was motioned to sit  at the far end of the room behind a figure that was sitting on a raised platform.
*Man at Arms to Lord [[Manama Proster]] in 2009 - June 2010
The figure then turned toward him and spoke, the whole room was silent. "I am Lord Yoshido, my brother is the daimyo of this village. I have spoken with him and have been kept informed from many sources that you have learned our ways and have become like the image in a mirror. Do you know what it means to be Samurai?" Daffy responded quickly "To serve my lord" Lord Yoshido then continued. "I send you away because I must but, I believe you have served me from the time you rescued my niece until now." He then stood up and pulled out what appeared to be an envelope.
*Awarded [[Master Warrior]] by King Zamorak in Jan. 2010
He then continued speaking loudly so the whole room could hear his words "It is the duty of the Samurai to serve his lord no matter what and, even though you are not Samurai, that is what you have done. " He then handed Daffy the folded envelope with the Yoshido Household symbol on it. "A Samurai does his duty and should not expect rewards for his service but, from time to time his master may choose to reward him." He then stood firmly in front of the room and spoke while motioning to Daffy. " I, Lord Yoshido decree that from this day on Daffy will be known as Daffy Yoshido and he will also be Samurai. Also, all honors and privleges that come with this will be bestowed upon him." He then motioned Daffy Yoshido to stand and face the room. The room started calling out "Lord Yoshido...Lord Yoshido...Daffy Yoshido....!!"
Daffy Yoshido returned to the Kingdom of the Wetlands and continued to practice Bushido. He fought many wars and became a great Samurai. He eventually grew weary of various people and petty squabbling and decided to settle down and start a family. Though, he continued to serve the kingdom whenever it called upon him. Years past and the kingdom called on him less and less. His life was quant but, his adventurous side began calling him as it did before. He packed up his family and traveled to the east, to a new land known as the Kingdom of Crystal Groves.
*Awarded noble title of Esquire by [[Empress]] [[Katrina]] in February 2010
There he settled in The Shire of the Harbour of Rhye. He soon joined a band of Greek warriors known as the Spartans of the Rhye, who also had a keen sense of honor like himself. The Spartans were under the command of Strategos MaA Redav Von Kirathelle Esq. Daffy Yoshido fit in great and quickly moved up to the rank of Polmarch/Second in Command. A little while later he also became a Man-at-Arms to a Lord Manama Proster under the belted family of a Knight known as Sir Angrist Galvorn.
*Tower company in April 2010 - 2011
Daffy Yoshido currently resides in The Kingdom of Crystal Groves. He still carries the name and personal symbol of the Yoshido Household and the sense of honor that comes with it but, due to the extinction of the Samurai class he is known now only as Daffy.
*Man at Arms to Squire [[Eliessi]] in June 2010 - 2014
===[[Belted Family]]===
*Awarded noble title of Lord by Empress Katrina in June 2010
{{Calvin Belt Line}}
*[[Pro-Tem]] [[Sheriff]] of The Harbour of Rhye in May 2010 - Oct. 2011
*Lord to Page [[Belon Ebonheart]] in Feb. 2013 - Present
===Notable Accomplishments===
*[[Prime Minister]] of [[Granite Spyre]] in Sept. 2013 - Feb. 2014
*HoR's Resident Old Guy given by Lord [[Manama Proster]] in 2009
*[[Champion]] of [[Harbour of Rhye]] in 2009
*Kingdom Prime Minister of The Kingdom of the [[Wetlands]] during [[Reign]] XXXVI and Reign XXXVII in Feb. 2014 - Feb. 2015
*Polemarch of the [[Spartans of the Rhye]] in 2009
*Lord to Page [[Corsy]] from June 2014 - April 2015
*[[Man at Arms]] to Lord [[Manama Proster]] in 2009
*Man at Arms to [[Glen]], MalletofProvidence in Sept. 2014 - April 2015
*[[Reeves]] Qualified in Dec 2009
*Awarded 1st [[Paragon]] [[Monk]] of the Wetlands under the v8 rules set, by King [[Harold]] on December 13, 2014.
*[http://www.amtgardrecords.com/search.php ORK]
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[[Category: Master Warriors]]
[[Category: Master Monks]]
[[Category:Wetlands Paragons]][[Category:Wetlands Paragon Monks]][[Category:Wetlands Paragon Warriors]]

Latest revision as of 11:55, 17 December 2020

Lord Daffy Yoshido, of Granite Spyre, in the Kingdom of the Wetlands

2014-10-31 08.34.29.jpg


Daffy Symbol Mini.JPG
Daffy Yoshido
Home Park Granite Spyre
Kingdom Wetlands
Year Started 1994
Noble Title Lord, Esquire
Belt Status


"When do we ditch?"

"You can never be truly great until you learn to wipe with the left."


  • Daffys real name is Jeremy. Jeremy started Amtgard in Pasadena, Tx. in 1994 at the Mushroom Shrine in the Kingdom of the Wetlands. He was introduced to Amtgard by his friend Casey Jones, also known as Draxkull Zeth Anthyontopia. Jeremy currently resides back in Houston.

Affiliated Groups


Daffy was born in the Shire of the Mushroom Shrine in the Kingdom of the Wetlands. His training in the arts of combat first came from his childhood friend Draxkull. He learned many things and traveled the surrounding land of the Wetlands in search of more training. He was always restless and wanted to travel the world and learn about other civilizations and their customs. He packed up his family and traveled again, to a new land known as the Kingdom of Crystal Groves.

There he settled in The Shire of the Harbour of Rhye. He soon joined a band of warriors known as the Spartans of the Rhye. He fit in great and quickly moved up to the rank of Polmarch/Second in Command. Daffy stayed with the Spartans and fought many battles with them but, had no sooner called them family when an unknown darkness crept into the Harbour of Rhye and corrupted some of its people.

Many were lost to the darkness. Daffy was unaffected by the evil and shortly banded together with those left in HoR to fight back and restore the shire. Upon restoring HoR, he became Sheriff and then Man-at-Arms to Lord Manama Proster, who also introduced him to a band of warriors known as Tower.

Upon hearing his deeds in defense of the shire, the Queen of the Kingdom of Crystal Groves, Duchess Katrina awarded Daffy Yoshido the title of Lord. Daffy had vowed long ago to return the name Yoshido once again to glory, and now that vow was being fulfilled.

Daffy continued training with Tower until leaving them for his long awaited return to the Wetlands.

After arriving in the Wetlands, Daffy and his family settled in the Barony of Granite Spyre. He met more friends that he would learn from and fight with. He took a Page named Belon Ebonheart. After so long, Daffy felt at home again. In a few years the kingdom he lived in asked him to take up his banner and help defend it's boarders.

Belted Line

Notable Accomplishments

  • Polemarch of the Spartans of the Rhye company 2009 - 2010
  • Tower company in April 2010 - 2011
  • Man at Arms to Squire Eliessi in June 2010 - 2014
  • Awarded noble title of Lord by Empress Katrina in June 2010
  • Kingdom Prime Minister of The Kingdom of the Wetlands during Reign XXXVI and Reign XXXVII in Feb. 2014 - Feb. 2015
  • Lord to Page Corsy from June 2014 - April 2015
  • Man at Arms to Glen, MalletofProvidence in Sept. 2014 - April 2015
  • Awarded 1st Paragon Monk of the Wetlands under the v8 rules set, by King Harold on December 13, 2014.

  • Orkicon2.gif