Talk:Savage Highlands

From AmtWiki

Received reply from 'Kimmy'; should have update info soon. --Linden 21:48, 17 April 2008 (EDT)


Founded in 2005, joined DS in 2006.

September 12, 2006 Attention all ye god-fearing soldiers of the true cross! To the North is a freehold highland realm of barbarians and savages! It is our duty and right as crusaders to the cause and as loyal subjects to Dragonspine that we heed the call to arms and crush this haven of heathens. The leader of the savages, Sheriff Harkilar, has challenged DS by claiming that only an invasion force of considerable strength will bow them to the kingdom banners and make them a DS land. God wills it! -King Anatole

The group joined Dragonspine that weekend if I'm remembering correctly. We also killed some savages. However a lot did remain, enough of us to make a vote on weather or not to allow the invansion to continue with such death and sacrifice.

--Glenalth 05:54, 1 February 2009 (EST)

The Reddawn Household was also founded in The Savage Highlands the members are as listed: Lord Harkilar Lady Sttar (In no particular order_ Weilok (har said you may not claim it), Vos, Morgan, Chiz, Piplit, Vulgar, Bender, Zombiac, Meta Warrior, Embore, Pipsqeak, Fangoor, Darkness, Mika, Benitora, Lillith, Shilaquay, Warhead, and Zsa Zsa.

2012 audit

Chapter contacted for 2012 audit, awaiting response.--Lumpy!! 14:21, 19 July 2012 (EDT)

Response received from Sttar:--Lumpy!! 17:38, 20 July 2012 (EDT)

  • Are you active? What is your average number of players locally per week?

Yes, Average of 8-15 players a week on gamedays and 6-10 players for fighter practice.

  • What days and times do you meet?

Sunday from 2pm- Dark for weekly gameday and Every Wednesday from 3:30pm – dark for fighter practice. We have three Arts and Sciences a month except those months in which our busy tourist town is packed with crazy drivers.

  • What park do you meet in, city and state? Can you give directions or a physical address?

At Wingfield Park, in Ruidoso, NM

  • Who is your leadership? Can we have and post their contact information?

Sheriff: Baronet Harkilar Reddawn DuClaw
Chancellor:Baronet Squire StTaR Reddawn Smokestuff They can be reached at (575)257-2944 & (575)802-3121

  • What is your heraldry? Do you have a jpeg or other image file we can upload to the wiki?
  • Have you taken a recent group photo of your chapter? Can we have a copy?

Attached files are our banners and carrizozo pics and a few of our whole group when Elpaso came to visit last year and various years past. Enjoy...

  • Do you have an example of your chapter's heraldry in use, as a favor, garb, banner, or similar?

We have a new Banner as I mentioned in the making as well as Savage Highlander Belt favors.

  • When was your chapter founded? By whom?

Our Chapter was founded by Baronet Harkilar Reddawn DuClaw in 2005.

  • Do you have traditions or games that you would say define your chapter?
  • Do you have an active forum, facebook groups, or mailing list? Can you give us links? Yahoo group -temporary facebook hub

  • Have you had any news organizations do any pieces on your chapter in the last two years?

We have been in local newspapers for quite sometime off and on, and at least once a year for the local Carrizozo Renn Festival We hold a DEMO that happens annually as well as the pictures in the paper.... And a local newspaper's employee currently playing Amtgard as much as he can... His name is Grahf aka Erik Bearer of the Ruidoso Free Press.

  • What have you been doing to attract new players?

We currently have 50+ fliers handed out daily by three local shops who place one in every bag as costumers leave. Also at the Chamber of commerce we are listed as a big entertainment value to tourists and locals alike. We are trying to make the most of this Shire by helping out our tourism. Every year at the Earth Day celebration we also hold a demo, we have also started helping out the local library with their Summer Reading Program for kids between 2-10, helping them to read and to make dragon day possible. We hold a demo once every six months in front of one of several midtown merchants who appreciate us and we have several “Flier days” where we “walk caravan” midtown (the main strip here) and hand out fliers and tell people why we are dressed the way we are lol.

  • Has anything happened in the last year that you would like included in your history?

We have survived many natural disasters and lost a few Amtgarders due o the latest fire, three Amtgarders of Ruidoso have officially moved outta state or town and no longer attend our park, we hope they still attend Amtgard. We have had a lot happen in the last two years. We started playing at Wingfield park during the year of 2008 due to the flooded streets of that years El Nina hurricane dropping us some of the worst weather our town has seen in 25+ years. We would like to have more participants on Sundays from other parks, it is rare that we have visitors.