Lando the Lost

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(Redirected from Lando the Lost Satyr)

Lord Master Lando the Lost, Esquire, Munchkin Wrangler, Mystic of the Broken Lands, Paragon Monster of the Barony of Rivers Edge in the Kingdom of the Rising Winds

Lando the Lost
Chapter Rivers Edge
Kingdom Rising Winds
Started 1999
Belted Status Squire
Belted Under Sev Sunfury

Mundane Biography

  • Originally started with a group of friends having played in Pegasus Valley in the Kingdom of Dragonspine in late 1999
  • Relocating to Darkmoon of the Kingdom of the Iron Mountains in 2001 while under the Persona "The Lost Shakir".
  • Due to a combination of a toxic environment and personal health reasons, Lando ended up leaving Amtgard as a LARP for almost 15 years, instead starting a career in the SCA and other LARPs.
  • It wasn't until the middle of 2017 where Lando started up Amtgard again with a close friend at Satyr's Crossing in the Kingdom of the Rising Winds.
  • Within the first reign of his attendance, Lando quickly devoted himself to helping build a strong relationship with the locals, quickly earning multiple ranks in the order of the Rose, Mask, Owl, and Smith and was elected as Regent and granted the title of Esquire for his deeds.
  • After having worked closely with his peers, Satyr's Crossing saw a boom in growth that saw it grow from a Shire to a Barony for the first time in almost a decade.
  • Hoping to capitalize in the sudden growth, the local Grand Duchy and Kingdom Leadership tasked Lando's close friend Barnabas and wife Atlas along with himself to start a new park in the nearby city of Kokomo, Indiana.
  • With their leadership and guidance, Rivers Edge was thusly founded in 2018, which within the following years has quickly become one of the most popular parks in both the Kingdom of the Rising Winds and the Grand Duchy of Lochaven.
  • Over the course of his career Lando has gathered a family of like-minded leaders and friends who all strive to master their respective crafts while inspiring a casual, friendly, and jovial atmosphere wherever they go.
  • In 2022, Lando was able to finish his capstone project of running a successful Nightquest at Keep of the Borderlands that incorporated Magic Items, Quest Abilities, Dedicated "Game Masters", and the ability for teams to finish the entire night quest through pure role play alone (There was one team that ran the entire night quest as a "Crab Rave" and both players and monsters alike had a blast with dance parties, fun was had by all).
  • Sadly health has become an issue and Lando now has had to significantly limit his time to Amtgard, instead providing limited Role Play opportunities for his peers and guidance for those who seek it where his health allows.


Below is a collection of Role-play specific lore as they relate to Lando and his adventures in Amtgard.

Behind the Name

Lando the Lost Satyr comes from a long history, the true nature of his birth name, his fey name, lost to time.

Instead, the woman who discovered his fey heritage embraced him as her own son and bestowed upon him the name "Son of the Land", or "Lando" for short. It was her mother's dying wish that he be forever lost, free of the bonds of the Hag Coven that sought to trap him for their own fiendish plans. As with all conflicts of the fey and where wishes are involved, a pact to another power was made to make her dying wish so.

It is in this pact that Lando's changeling heritage was warped to more resemble that of a Satyr, which his mother's teachings more than adequately prepared his personality to reflect. Since this time, Lando maintains himself a drifter seeking to assist any a farm boy seeking glory or a kind hearted soul down on their luck a second chance. If he gets to add some controversy into pompous noble socialites along the way all the better!


Clownish and jovial, Lando is one who enjoys the thrills and company that the chaotic lands of Satyr's Crossing amply provide. Often times the one found at the center of bad luck, Lando takes it all well in stride. In any bad situation, Lando will without fail refer to a far-fetched (yet often true) situation where things were much, much worse. That isn't to say that Lando isn't without his stories of good times, frequently recalling tales of glorious victories and doing his best to tie any grand accomplishment to the efforts of those of his peers.

Despite his soft exterior, Lando's harsh beginnings have given him a level of wisdom that is all too easily overlooked by his comical reputation. Those who he considers kin, the closest thing he has found to be family, will find him to be a steadfast and loyal ally.

Vital Attributes

Lando is an older adult male changeling, a male offspring to a powerful fiendish fey night hag who also happens to be the most powerful hag in her particular coven. Over the years Lando has used a portion of his fey magic to alter his fiendish features to reflect a more welcoming satyr appearance. Iconically, Lando also has within his possession a pact-bound magical tome that bestows upon him mysterious powers from the Void that amplify his mobility and resistances against restraint and subdual effects.

Lando has an affinity for commanding and elusive fey magic, deadly void magic, and forceful sorcery magic. As such he tends to exhibit abilities most commonly associated with Assassin, Bard, Druid, and Fey-like dedications (and more commonly that of Smith or Reeve when he was "storytelling").

In his younger years, he would use his fey magic to teleport across the battlefield in order to confuse and cast doubt in enemy ranks, picking off weary opponents and leaving even the most skilled opponents lost or alone along their journey at the most inopportune times. When not engaging in combat, he uses his experience with resisting the call of his changeling heritage to help others ward off and cure a variety of afflictions such as poisons, disease, curses, and possessions alike. It was as often a common sight to see Lando surrounded by healers and druids alike as he wove tales and songs of legendary lore to help bolster the morale of weary troops during even the most dire of military engagements, turning dark times into moments of merriment and cheer.

Although the blessing of immortality has helped him to elude death after all these years, the weight of time now bears down heavily on his mind and soul keeping him away from the front lines. It is during recent times that Lando now travels from one campfire to the next exchanging tales of legend lore to help inspire aspiring Immortals to greater deeds yet to come (acting as the dedication of Color).


Over Lando's many travels, he has found allies of all walks of life across the very lands and planes accessible by roads between the Kingdoms of the Iron Mountains and Rising Winds. Many of those closest to Lando, many of which who have shared a similar past as his own, are known as the Kin of Kin Errant. As one of the founders and the acting Grand Keeper, Lando acts best as he can as both brother, father, and wiseman to those within his family of misfit underdogs.

Though not limited to just his fellow Kin, Lando has earned the respect and praise from those who he has had the pleasure of entertaining. Not limited to just the common man, Lando has found himself in the praise of champions and warlords, kings and queens, primal spirits, and even powerful beings worthy of godhood. If there is conflict about, Lando isn't far behind to aid in the efforts... even when he isn't always conscious of it.


Being a changeling came with the fact that his Father had in fact made a pact with a Night Hag in order to get a magical advantage on his commercial opponents. Though when Lando and his Mother escaped the man's attempts of trying to hide evidence of the pact, things quickly spiraled out of control. His father became bankrupt and in order to pay off the debts joined up with a thieves guild who now seeks to hunt down Lando at all costs. The Night Hag who set up the Pact with Lando's Father sought to use Lando to awaken Lando's fiendish power completely and bind him to her coven. To make matters worse, when Lando attempted to save his mother from being kidnapped, he had allied himself with a rebellion that turned out to be fighting for the wrong reasons, the cost of which resulting in the death of his mother and countless of other innocent lives. The worst enemy of all would be his own regrets, and something Lando seeks to redeem himself of at any cost while trying to fend off the darker parts of his past.

Where to find him

Lando the Lost is best known as a drifter, roaming from one place to the next. His favorite places to share company are that of roaming caravans that hold within them performers and exotic fairs. This is often the case because he finds that they also act as refuge for children and adults alike who have befallen hard times, who he works with to find new opportunities at his home chapter in the Barony in Rivers Edge. During his return trips, he acts as a spirit guide and social worker who connects people with entertainment and resources to help bolster the morale of the overall community. Though due to his fey ancestry, he can't stay in one place for too long, and when he gets his calling he finds himself on a roam once again where he depends on those he just brought to his community to pick up where he left off.


Lando has an extensive history that spans all the way back to late 1999, and even with a long hiatus still spent some time involving himself with the Role Play community throughout Amtgard. Below is a chronicle of his journey:

Circa 1999

Little is known of this era of Lando's life other than that he was born in Pegasus Valley in the Kingdom of Dragonspine before his his mother took her and him both to the Duchy of Darkmoon in the Kingdom of the Iron Mountains. It was there that they took refuge in with what seemed like a peaceful caravan. Little did they know they were an undercover rebel faction led by a powerful necromancer Wizard.

It wasn't long before the two were caught up between local Darkmoon forces and these rebel insurgents. Lando and his mother had been deceived in the end, as a doomsday spell took hold of the land taking allied and enemy forces alike. It was in Lando's mother's dying breath that she revealed that she had made a pact with another Archfey that insured that Lando would not fall prey to the spell or be bound by any other binding should he ever choose to to ignore it. He was to be free. Despite this fact, Lando found himself caught by those he had attempted to help liberate. Seeking redemption, he accepted whatever judgement was to be granted to him by those who survived. Powerful mages took his immortal soul and bound him inside a book inscribed with the names of all those who had died from the doomsday spell, a fitting justice that Lando was more than willing to accept, even though his mother claimed he had the power to ignore such bonds.

Awakening 2017

Fauna's Blight 2017

Founding of Family Kin Errant 2017

Brother's Betrayal 2017

TokRa 2018

Conquest 2018

Rivers Edge 2019

The Blight of 2020

Dawn of 2021

The Lantern King 2022

The Eldest's Curse 2023

Dusk of 2024

Additional Information

Affiliated Groups

Household Kin Errant
Elders Lando the Lost, Atlas Everdeen, Brother Barnabas
Kingdom Rising Winds
Focus Leadership & Roleplay
Founded July 8th, 2017

Kin Errant Leadership (Household)



  • Awarded the Title of Munchkin Wrangler for assisting with Park Kinder Care/KidGard July 2017
  • Awarded the Title of Esquire for Regent at Barony of Satyr's Crossing October 2017
  • Awarded the Title of Master for Regent at Barony of Satyr's Crossing December 2018
  • Awarded the Title of Lord at Barony of Rivers Edge October 2021
  • Awarded Custom Award Mystic of the Broken Lands for running amazing Night Quest at Keep on the Borderlands November 2022
  • Awarded Paragon Monster at Kingdom of the Rising Winds March 2023

Additional Images

More Information

  • Orkicon2.gif