Gherlyth Axem

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Gherlyth Axem is a NPC created by The Bitter Coast Quest Guild for use in the ongoing Bitter Coast Quest Campaign, which has been told over several reigns.

Gherlyth Axem was a Calimarin hailing originally from the Underdark below Amtgardia. He was expelled from his home after an unsuccessful coup attempt, and forced to find a place on the surface-world. Because of his powerful abilities, he was able to subdue an impressive amount of minions, and set out to conquer the nearby Barony of Brendonford in order to begin his campaign on conquest.

Having used the recent celebration, hailing the end of the war betweem the Drow Empire, and the Elven Alliance as a cover, the Calimarin used his pawns, a maddened group of wizards from as The Blessed to make alliances and deals with a group of Skirits that lived in the city's Belltower to act as a distration for the Town's Gaurds while he and his minions assaulted the Baron's keep and brought and Charmed the Baron, bringing him (and thus the city) under their control.

The plan worked beautifully, as the town's resident Paladin Alein, was too busy defeating the Skirit to defend the keep, the Baron was brought under Gherlyth's control. After which the Calimarin instructed his minions The Blessed to destroy the Paladin, his apprentice, and and heroes that arrived for the festival.

Meanwhile, Gherlyth's Lich Lietenant, was gathering a group of Zombies and Plaguers in order to launch another attack to further weaken the town's gaurds when he and his minions were defeated by the heroes from Bitter Coast. This defeat did not stop The Blessed from completing their mission of kidnapping the Paladin Alein and turning him into a horrible monster called a "Corpse Thing", composed of several bodies of various victims.

The Blessed count did not succeed in kidnapping the Paladin's apprentice, and his his help, the heroes from Bitter Coast put a stop to the Blessed once and for all. After which the few survivors there were, linked up with Gherlyh Axem's trusted minion, an Ogre Mage, and a team of Assassins which they hired and assaulted the heroes after a night of revelry for their bravery.

After the assult by the Ogre-Mage failed, Gherlyth determined that the time for subtlety was over, and taking full control on the Barony (who was a skilled Wizard) he opened a portal to the realm of Demons, and began to amass and bind a legion to be his new army, and by using the Baron as the portal's key, he would ensure that the town's guards would remain loyal as well.

The heroes were then hunted by both Gherlyth's demonic hoarde, and the Town's Guards as well. The heroes traveled to the desicrated "Temple of the Phoenix" from which the demons were summoned, and mounted an impressive assult.

In the center of the Temple, Gherlyth Axem awaited the heroes, and after a pitched battle, the Baron was killed, which unstabilizes the portal and summoned a powerful Extra-Planar Entity which Gherlyth couldn't control. The Calimarin's minions were all slain, along with the majority of the heroes. Gherlyth escaped the Temple, and the heroes barely escaped with their lives.

The Demon then placed a seal on the door of the Temple which could only be broken by Heimdell's Horn, and began to stabilize the demonic portal, in order to summon more of his kind to Amtgardia. The Heroes recovered the sword, but on their way back encountered a group of the Skirit survivors attacking an aged Wizard, who called himself "Greyleaf", who offered his help. The Wizard, along with the heroes traveled back to the Temple, and together broke the seal. Once inside however, the Wizard requested to fight the demon alone, but instead of destroying it, used powerful abilities to bind it to his will, after which the Wizard "Greyleaf" revealed himself to be "Gherlyth Axem".

The the Battle that ensued, the Gherlyth was finally slain, and the demon broke free of his influence. As the heroes bravely fought they damage the demon, and both he and the demonic portal were seemingly destroyed. Thus ends the saga of the Calimarin Gherlyth Axem.

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