From AmtWiki
Baroness Dame Anyanka, of Ironwood, Wetlands
”An indicative quote”
Six years ago (12/07/2014) I showed up at Ironwood unsure of what LARPing was outside of movies. I met a couple people and enjoyed the afternoon watching the battlegames, ditching and crafting going on, and I have never left. Throughout these 6 years Amtgard has shown and taught me a lot about not only myself as a person, but of being a true member of a community. Amtgard has not only become a huge part of my life but changed my life for the better.
Affiliated Groups
Belted Family
Notable Accomplishments
- Lady Title given by King Obanion of the Wetlands in Dec '15.
- Baroness Title give by Queen Singalia of the Wetlands in May 2020
- Squire to Sir Honey Badger
- Master Smith given by Queen Singalia of the Wetlands in June 2020
- Knight of the Flame given by King Allicross Vigil in September 2020
Additional Images
- Link to image 1
- Link to image 2