Tomb of the Barrow-King

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Tomb of the Barrow-King.jpg

Nobles of long-ago were often interred, along with their treasures and retinue, in great earthen mounds. While the treasure may tempt the intrepid, the King and his Guards do not sleep easily...

Teams: 3 (Two Opposing Teams, plus the Barrow-King and cronies)

Lives: 5x number of players on each team. Life pool. Unlimited for the Barrow-King and his retinue.

Respawn: 60 seconds at base (Teams), 120 seconds at base (Barrow-Things)

Base: Teams each have a base e quidistant from the Barrow. Undead team respawns at the back of the Barrow.

Players: 10+

Refresh: None

Objective: Life pool game for the two Player Class teams. The King guards a treasure in his barrow and attempts to prevent anyone from taking it. Basically, this is a team fight with an objective in the middle. Get the awesome weapon, get a big buff. But you have to risk fighting a bunch of guards to get there.

Scenario Rules: The barrow should be a roughly circular area with only one entrance and counts as an area of Darkness. Inside is an artifact of relative power, such as the Lifedrinker or Soulbinder. Should a player make it in to the barrow and grab the artifact, he or she may use it for the rest of the game. The barrow should be guarded by a Wight (the Barrow-King himself) and one Undead guard (Zombie, Skeleton, Ghoul, etc.), plus one additional guard for every four players. The Wight and Undead are Immune to Darkness, but may not leave the barrow.

Optional Rules: None

Types Best Supported: Class