The Three Man Alliance

From AmtWiki


The Three Man Alliance is currently the only fighting company in Centerpoint. It was formed to both assist the freehold in it's infancy, AND to help raise the bar on fighting skill in Centerpoint

To date, we are the premier fighting force amongst the freeholds of amtgard.

Our stated goals are as follows: 1) To become and maintain a superior presence on the field wherever we go. 2) To promote Classical Graeco-Roman themes in Amtgard 3) To assist our homeland, Centerpoint, in every way possible


The three man alliance was formed in Centerpoint in June of 2007. It's founding members are also the founders of Centerpoint in Kansas City, KS.

The Alliance is now creating heraldry and testing potential Recruits. Let it also be known that the Alliance is formally Divided into three Legions each captained by one of the founders. Each Legion Operates as a Distinct Unit within the collective whole, and yet the whole continues to operate as single group.


Veneficus Tenebrus - Centurion
Sierto Burromalo - Founder, Milites
Auz Antaracles - Founder, Immunes
Wedge - Tyrones
Biggs - Tyrones