Template:Current Events

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Revision as of 14:22, 29 June 2009 by Linden (talk | contribs)

Burning Lands

Emerald Hills

Celestial Kingdom Golden Plains

  • Squire Katahztrofi re-elected for Kingdom Prime Minister
  • Sir Moonshadow re-elected to be B.o.D. member for another year
  • Kingdom of the Golden Plains midreign to be held with Gathering of the Clans 2009

Iron Mountains






Rising Winds

Crystal Groves

Desert Winds

  • I'd like to announce the theme for our Dragon Master... Artifacts. More specifically, create your own artifact. That's right, make your own magical item. It can be any thing that you'd like. A simple necklace that perhaps grants a luck point to the wearer, or maybe something more powerful if you like. Items will be judged on two categories, the item it self, and the write up for the item. The scores will each count for half of the items total and the over all best score will win and that person will get the use of their newly crafted magical item for the rest of the reign. Dragon Master will take place at Dragon Blade Wars, August 21- 23., giving all of you hopeful relic makers a couple of months to create something, or even multiple somethings if you like.

Good luck, DW Regent Vexx

  • Once per year in the land of Rivers End the populace gathers in the Grand Colosseum to watch the greatest warriors and spellcasters square off in the Dalewars Tourney.

This year is no exception. The Great and magnificent Archeopteryx has allowed the Festivities to continue. Great honor is always heaped upon the team that wins this prestigious tourney. Rule can be found on the Yahoo site. Duke Ceowolf

  • Desert Rose is having a big flea market at the Ryndon RV park on Saturday before Lamoille Fair. If anyone wants to get a booth or just come look, drop by.. We will have a table at it also. Gonna clear out some of our junk, closets, dragons, and stuff.


This Template is updated every Wednesday, or sometimes Thursday. Older news can be found here, also see Upcoming Events.