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Giggles Guttermaw of The Blackstone Sages of Stormhaven in Blackspire

Formerly known as Kit.


"You are a special person." - Hannoske
"Obviously this person is just trolling." - Arthon
"Sadly, you are correct." - Snicker
" must not be that popular... you must really suck or something." - MaXaM


Giggles is a gnoll, born a Scumlord in the Guttermaw Pack. At the age of 2 he set out on his own to walk the path of the swordsmonster. Alongside the path he noticed a patch of brightly colored mushrooms. Not being one to pass up a free meal he gobbled down the tasty fungi. In the midst of the subsequent electric shroom fever, Giggles strayed far from the path of the sword. Before him lay a new rugged path. Giggles gave up his sword and followed his heart down the road less traveled.

For those of you out of the loop:

Giggles is an expat who now prefers to play Belegarth over Amtgard.

Giggles used to be known as Kit... but then his name was revoked by another named Kit. He lost it in a game of rock paper anything.

Mundane History

He started back in 2002 with the creation of Cage Valley with his brother, Malcolm. Worked with the shire for years before moving to The Blackstone Sages. There he spent time fighting and helping until he became disheartened with Amtgard, and found a new passion with the game of Belegarth. He is still known to grace the fields of Amtgard with his long time compatriots Hannoske and Shi'Rite when he is looking for a fight.

Notable Accomplishments

Additional Images

  • Link to image 1
  • Link to image 2

More Information